New Grower Perpetual Harvest with Autos - Indoor LED to Outdoor - 3x Simultaneous Grows

May 18, 2018
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Currently Smoking
First time grow here, well second and third time at this point. I've wanted to grow for the longest time and finally it's legal here - this is a medical grow in Northern California. I guess it's been legal in that case, I just never wanted to buy a whole load of equipment. And then I had the idea to flower outside. And then I bought a whole load of gear anyway.

So I lied, last year I tried a grow and it failed abysmally. I bought some photo-period clones from a dispensary, stuck them right out in 85F all day sun in Costco brand soil, and somehow they survived without ever fertilizing. Waited all summer and in the end harvested the world's smallest Sour Diesel weighing in at around half a gram wet. Not even joking. I'm not going to count that grow as my first one.

I wanted to actually post a brain-dead simple starter guide to help others avoid mistakes and see how simple it can be to grow some huge autos really fast. Or at least how to start them, that's as far as I've gotten anyway. I spent a ton of time gathering info from this forum and abroad. There was so much information (and misinformation) that it was difficult to kind of figure out the essentials. By no means am I saying this is the ideal way to do it, but so far I've had a lot of luck with this setup.

Disclaimer: again this is Northern California and the weather is perfect :cools:

Hard to see in the picture, but at less than 2 months from seed these Critical Purple (the two in the back) and this AK (in foreground) are going bonkers. I need to get out this weekend and take some better pictures. At the time of the photo the CP on the left was drooping a bit, but has since perked up like the CP on the right. Tallest is about 5 feet from ground in 5 gallon.

Seeds, Germination, Soil and Nutrients

Looked all around trying to find a California seed supplier, everyone was sold out! Then I found Growers Choice Seeds and they even accepted credit card. They had a really nice website but I could not find many reviews about if their genetics were good or anything. I guess they are based out of Spain but they shipped from Sacramento.

I went by their germination guide and soaked seeds for 18 hours. This is the start of my 3rd grow which is ongoing with the 1st and 2nd. 1st and 2nd grow are both a combination of AK & Critical Purple, 3rd grow will be a combination of Haze XL and Kush XL.

Seeds soaking in mugs (bottled water) sitting on warm electronics in the dark.


Propagation dome with vents closed, sitting on heat mat, with seeds placed in paper towels. I throw something on top to keep it warm and dark. Careful - if your heat mat doesn't have a temperature controller, it will get too hot. Try starting some tomato seeds first if you aren't sure.


Soil that I will be using. I figured out that 2 bags of Happy Frog and 1 bag of Ocean Forest will fill up 6x 5-gallon bags. I use the seedling mix because it is finer and has less nutrients as not to burn the auto seedlings. When the seeds germinate I put them directly into the soil under the lights and cover them very lightly.


I kept some 1 gallon jugs around with caps and keep tap water in them for a couple days. I use pure water for seedlings and do not feed until 1 month. By letting it sit out the chlorine works its way out.


For the second month through pre-flower I fed Grow Big and only switch to Tiger Bloom after pistils had opened at the very top of the plant. I do not use the pH Down but I might eventually.

Veg Tent

I've been using 18/6 with two Viparspectra DS350 350W LED dimmed to 60% the whole time. The tent is Vivosun which I really like. I jammed this in the corner of my garage and just vent into it because it's pretty drafty. The insulation beneath keeps it off the cold concrete. The cage on top keeps the kitty out.

tent1.jpg tent2.jpg tent3.jpg

I have a wireless temperature/humidity sensor, fan speed controller, and simple clip fan, with air intake vented at an angle to prevent light from escaping.

Perpetual harvest is the best harvest, looking good, c'on to the intros and show yourself to AFN...passing some welcome blunt:pass:
Veg Grow

I tried to train these but just gave up. Just let them grow to the sun - they will not be staying in this tent. Lights at 24" from soil and let them grow into it without ever moving it. You can try to expose the branches emerging from underneath over the top of the fan leaves, but they are really flimsy and will break if you're not careful. I think it's a waste of time if you aren't going to flower with a small height restriction. Two AK on the left, two Critical Purple on the right. I'd have to figure out how many days in that was, looks like a week or so before they went outside. Gave them a feeding or two of half strength veg nutes before going outside.


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Here's the second grow, which is still cooking under the LEDs. More AKs and CPs.



Outdoors and Pre-flower

After a month chuck em outside! I kept feeding veg nutes until they stopped getting taller (about 4 feet off the ground) then switched to flower nutes. Going really easy on them. Here they are under both PE Mesh screening and 30% shade cloth, set out on a couple cool/cloudy days. Once they went out I never brought them in, just removed the extra shade cloth after a couple days. The branches were all very weak until mid-way through pre-flower, so you will need a wind break if you try and do this.

Again this is the first grow about a month after germination. Height probably less than a foot on the tallest one.



Looking great!:greenthumb:and subbed for the ride! :pop:

@912GreenSkell is the master outdoor grower around here, (in my humble opinion), and a friendly and helpful guy! It would be wise to learn all you can from him! :headbang:
Day 62 from seed
Day 56 from seedling (first leaves up)
Day ~25-30 of flower

Not sure which top is what in the closeups, doesn't matter much now. AK [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] is in the foreground and CP [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] has about a foot of height over it. CP [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] still looking overwatered or something.

topA.jpg topB.jpg topC.jpg topD.jpg



Anyone know what bug this is? Its wings looked mangled, not sure if gestating or if it got munched on.