:roflcry: My pleasure bro'! Yeah, SAD hit's with a heavy hammer, true to her genetics,...definitely not "active" smoke! DD should be much more balanced! Her cousin, Red Poison, is actually a pretty "up" high, which surprised me pleasantly,... The smoke itself has amazing aromatics, almost doesn't smell like MJ! I expect DD will be similar,... Hey, you forgot to tell me how SAD smells and tastes... :smoke: *** :brow: Ahhh, you tested on family! Good choice-

I have a friend who started a delivery service recently, and I gave him some auto samples to try out, and he was truly impressed, along with the rest of his crew! Auto's don't get the respect they should, but I, for one, intend to try to change that,.... I'm sure you'll blow some folks away too when you smoke them into the ground, then tell them it's an autoflower strain that just ran over them, turning them into couch roadkill! :roflcry: Well done sir!
..yes, I'm sure you knew about the Ca defc.,... gotta be the most common we see here,... it's amazing how some strains consume so much of it,.. or, the biologist in me asks, is it that they aren't as efficient at taking it up, or something like that? - so they need increased amounts of it around to compensate for this? ...One wonders, where the hell it all goes? :dunno:

I get what your concern is Pasi' , but I think it'll be okay to go high on the EC occasionally, if there's a need,.... Foliar is also a great way to get stuff in there fast, bypassing the soil/roots,... until budding, then it gets tricky, but with a good water spreader and some sniper-accurate spraying of fans only(top and bottom), it can be done,... one of my MoB's was in constant Ca demand from pre-bud to the very end, and up to mid-late bloom, I had to do occasional foliar to keep up with what soil alone couldn't, it seemed,... of course, during the last stages, like where you're at now, it's not worth the mold risk, and then there's final cleansing too,...*** Swampy and I found honey (1T/gal) to be a great sugar source, without nutes in it, for this last stage of budding,... It helps the plant with a little extra energy, and I think it helps the soil microbes snack down on some of the last bound-up nutrients in the soil too,.... just make sure to have at least a week of nothing at all but water, to deplete extra carb's in the plant itself by harvest (wise words from one of the Greats here!), or the smoke will be funky bad! ..... Looking forward to your Dragon grow, bud!