:Sharing One:
Pasi'! :smoke: You've been doing some fine work here my friend! ...LOL!- sorry to be late for prime-time at your party,...
The SAD's are drool-worthy indeed! ....beautiful, sparkly, fat, dense buds,...:foxy: :foxy:

.... the plants shaped up very nicely didn't they? good branching, but not sprawling all over the place,...(unlike that crazy DD- I think you talked her into thinking she's a vine..LOL!)... I especially like your plan to harvest one late, well ambered,... Do you have a reasonably powerful magnifier, so you can get a good close look at the trichome heads? Something around 10x will work fine...:thumbs: ***

oh man, that Samurai hedgehog is excellent!! :roflcry: -too funny,... Is he from a comic strip, or cartoon series?... he's a keeper, mate!
>>> What's up with the DD, now that she has some room to stretch into? I like what you did with the top stems- :thumbs:- great way to manage her legginess,... and get those lower buds to grow up much fatter! We need fresh pics- :ama: LOL!! I'm sure you've seen just how deep and rich her color can get,...

mmm-ahh-oo-yah! ..speaking of that, the other SAD is looking like she's almost there,... can you get us a close-up, with flash? I find this works better in a low-lite room,... :brow: "Bailers Booya" LOL!! ...
>>> ooOOooo,.. which Dragons did you order? A fine choice my friend, they are a unique family, and have much to offer to growers and partakers!

:smoke: So, have you crushed any friends yet with the early SAD? :roflcry: -it's
very satisfying to lay the whole room out on their butts with some of your own fresh killer bud! you laugh, they laugh,..everybody wins!! "AFN smoke out" *** Excellent job Pasi', really! Time to heat your lower cheeks some-

...!!!! Get us more porn too, including shots of dry bud, if it's ready!! Cheers mate