La Buena Hierba Party at the Copacabana

Update 1
  • 06/22 Seeds in water.(Somehow an extra seed jumped in so germing 4)
    06/23 Seeds went in coffee filter
    06/24 2 seeds have tails and get planted

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    06/26 The other 2 still not showing anything. Put em into the nug smasher and stuck em in root riots.
    06/30 Woke up thinking I was gonna toss the 2 "others". When the lights came on, I noticed a white "dot" in 1 cube and sure enough there is life. By 5 pm this is how she looked. I'm guessing the last one is the seed that had a chunk out of her and is DOA

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    Day 17
  • Its Day 17 for the Grassroots gals and Day 10 ish for the SIP one. The 2 biguns have been topped and will be lst'd in the next day or so. Along with the knf amendments, I've added a veg blend from Homegrown Microbe Bokashi. These 3 are under 2 Mars Hydro SP 150 leds

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    Copa Day 52
  • Copacabana Day 52
    These gals have done quite a bit of stretching.
    #2 on the right is even showing actual buds. They've been a bit odd. There are 2 plants in that 1-20 gal pot. All the upper leaves are very skinny and the newer leaves are a very lighter shade of green. It is due for it's monthly top dressing so I'll get that done tomorrow.
    #1 gal on the left is almost too healthy. Keeps throwing out sucker shoots and stretching. Any more and I'll have to supercrop the taller stems

    Just my second run in a soil pot. Maybe need more water/nutes? One thing I've noticed in both runs is that the main stems have been quite thinner than the ones in the sips. I'll be considering whether to abandon the cloth pots or not.
    I'll also be hanging a Viparsteca XS2000 above them tomorrow. The heatsinks on this series is pretty stout and with the upgraded Samsung leds I'm hoping to get better light with less ambient heat.

    All for now, D.

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    Copacabana Day 68
  • Copacabana Day 68
    The girls are definitely showing their sativaness. Besides the skinny leaves, the flower growth is spot on. Still throwing out shoots everywhere. Had to supercrop one branch and I may need to do some others as these girls are in for the long haul and as close to the lights as I can get em. The tallest stem is at 48" Probably another 40 days to readiness. Guess I need to re-amend the top soil
    All for now

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    @La Buena Hierba
    Copacabana Day 95
  • Copacabana Day 95
    Day 95 and I can see at least 2 more weeks for the 2 in 1and I don't have a clue on the single 1. Quite pleased to see the 2n1 look identical-in fact the overall look is as if it's 1 plant. Pretty much looks like the sativas of the old days

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    @La Buena Hierba

    The single one is kind of a hot mess. Where nodes on 2n1 are close together, this ones far apart . Leaves are a bit broader. Not much going on in budding dept. While both pots are about 4.5' tall, the single is that height cause I've been having to super crop. Both are about 12" from the lights, Description is they are xl's and that I'd say is spot on. Assuming I do another round, I may just do one in each pot and try topping em twice to hopefully keep em a little lower from the lights. Luckily it has started cooling down here a bit so they don't seem to be bothered by the heat from the lights.

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    When's An Auto Not An Auto?
  • When she's 115 days old and this is all she's got to show for it. Got so wrapped up in how tall they were growing, didn't realize what was happening. First time for everything. Unfortunately, I think I got another doing the same thing. Not the same genetics.

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    @La Buena Hierba
  • Its Day 123 for this gal and I'm at a loss. I've yet to see a plant flower like this. Can't help but think it's some bizarro genetics. In some places it's got these tiny little nugs that I guess could join into one large cola. Other areas just have these wispy things going on. Looks like they could become massive but what- another 30 days? With the way some leaves are turning, I don't think she's got that much life left.The only pics I could find were 3 little bits on the website that blow apart when you try to enlarge. Given her sister didn't flower at all and the fact that this strain and one other are the only feminized autos they have makes me wonder if they don't have it right yet?
    Since this is the largest grow area I have, I hate to waste the space if this isn't going to turn into something other than a hot mess.
    Anyone have any thoughts?

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    @La Buena Hierba