Hey mate,
Im about to harvest vision seeds 'delhi cheese' and it gives you zero paranoia. its a stone buzz, not a heavy couchlock, the sample i took early gave slight happy high for 20 mins, but then its just deep physcial and mental relaxation, complete zero paranoia. My blue diesel does have a slight paranoia (only slight), my regular cheese, god that made me so paranoid i was redy to cut down and bin my entire grow! Some say its sativa strains that do it, simply because they are more of a head high and that gets your mind racing and excited. i think their might be something in the lower THC/higher cbd strains too. Medical strains are supposed to be good, especially anti axnety or depression ones (eg delhi cheese)
if you check out leafly .com, you can search for strains with specific characteristics. NYC diesel or NYC blue diesel (cant remember which one) says its renound by users for being paranoia free too.
My next batch is purple kush, manala bomb, bubble gum, cbd med gom 1.0 & dr feelgood - autos. Maybe grow a few different strains on a perpetual grow and see what suits you because everyones different.
good luck