New Grower Paranoia free strains

I go through phases with the paranoia and anxiety after smoking a big spliff (no tobacco). Sometimes I'm absolutely fine and others i'm checking my doors and windows are locked and my stash is ready to flush. Peering through my door spy-hole to see if anyone is parked down the street casing my house out. This is when I've been smoking the same cut grown by a mate of mine for years now (Big Buddha Blue Cheese). Think it just depends what your body's chemistry is like on that particular day.

Nature eh! We are all freaks of it brothers and sisters. I say just smoke loads of nice ganja and stay happy!

The back and forth is not gonna get any one any where, the effects of cannabis sati or indy is different with different people so to come on asking what dose what and what do I need is gonna get you no where, you just need to test test test till you find what you need for your self..........

Amen brother!
Lately everything has been giving me panic attacks. The "oh crap I'm gonna die" type of panic attacks and not the "oh crap it's the cops" type. Even the smallest hit does it. I'd take a break, but life is agony sober.

I hear that. I smoked pounds and pounds of the best i could get my hands on as a younger lad you know how it is, I was a full time stoner. 10 years or so not smoking, last year or so smoking again, but only the smallest amounts and only every few weeks.

The problem isn't the weed, its my head. Over the past year I've had about 50/50 good experiences bad experiences with weed. But the bad experiences(they're really fuckin horrible, you know what i mean) are always in the forefront of my mind whenever I'm about to smoke.

Anxiety is a bitch, in your own head whatever you think will happen, will happen because you think it will. You'd think that knowing this would stop you from spinning into a panic spiral... But you cant control your own thought pattern...and all of the sudden you're concentrating on your heartbeat...and thinking about it makes it pound harder...and thinking about it more makes it go into overdrive...And then you're wishing you didn't smoke at all. Happened to my wife the other week too...she got a bit too stoned and was saying her heart was beating way too fast and wanted me to check her pulse and shit...So I did, and told her it was 70 and laughed at/with her and within a minute it was really at 70, lol.

Lately I've taken to only smoking when I've been drinking. Coz that drinking mindset has you in a more relaxed state and less likely to worry about stuff.

Also planning on seeking out some seeds that are shit in my next seed order. Its only when I get too high i have issues, weaker weed will make it easier to not get too high.
If I'm stressed I smoke heavier Indica strains, If all is clear and I'm out partying I like Sativa based. I have enjoyed the S.A.D Auto I grew from Sweet Seeds which is Indica based (Black Domina) for that reason, I find myself digging for that stash quite often, a happy and relaxing buzz. I also liked Strawberry Cough by Dinafem but that was a while back, it was a nice combo with little to no paranoia, could be a day or night-time smoke. I'm still experimenting but find it to be a combination more about "my" mood and stress level mixed with the strain (and how much I smoke), and as I get older I find Indica's to be best for me because I smoke more at night now...I seem to always have too much shit going on during the day.
Its only when I get too high i have issues, weaker weed will make it easier to not get too high.

Amen to that, If I smoke too much or it's a really strong strain it messes me up....moderation!
OP I have the same issues as you! Grow CBD high strains and stay away from everything else!

Auto = CBD Crew - MED GOM 1.0 (1:1-2:1)

Photo = Sin City Seeds - Treasure Island (4:1), Harlesin (3:2), Thunderstruck (20:1)
My hubby has a really Sensitive paranoia trigger.

Years of Observation says he is triggered by bud that is Late harvested with a lot of Ambers.

If I give him the same bud harvested early when the trics are just milky he has no probs....:Hookah:

I get the racey heart racey mind and aggitation on I only use Indy doms.

Worth Considering.

I agree Mossy, I think the CBN is what makes me paranoid also.
I love indica cause I hate racey mind and chest. That shit sucks too. Haha
but I like to take the plant into dark stage before chop right at signs of ambering and it will be just right for me.
I'm a sufferer as well. I like a glass of wine or two before I consume an unknown product just in case. And be careful with edibles.