Hey man loving the grow! Im doing Pandora just now aswell so im gonna be keeping a close eye on this one! I was really happy with Paradise seeds old Automaria #1 strain so got a couple of the "collection pack #1's" and one of the "collection pack #2's" and currently have 3 of their strains growing (2x Auto Wappa's, 2x Auto Whiteberry's and 3x Pandoras). Im hoping it goes as well as last time and wishing you luck on your grow aswell bro!
Auto Jack is the only Auto strain from Paradise seeds that i don't have in my possesion but i'l definetly be checking it out! I feel your pain at losing the AUto Jack cause i lost the 2 Vertigo seeds i germinated a couple of weeks ago.1 of them didn't germ and the other died from some pretty minor stress.I was raging!!!!.They are "weak" seeds i recon they didn't look nice TBH and the replacements look as bad IMO.
They are small seeds all 1 colour/shade with no pattern on it and gives the impression of being immature to me and in my (limited) experience seeds that look this way have a lower chance of germination and survival. My Automaria #1's looked the same and only 2 out of 5 of them germinated and one took so long i thought it was dead and didnt water it after 3 weeks and found it weeks later dried up under the soil lol.
The Auto Wappa, Auto Whiteberry and Pandora's on the other hand were massive chunky seeds with this spotted pattern on them wich from my experience is a sign of a good seed thats almost garunteed to germinate properly and as i predicted they all germed quickly with no issues!Hmm.
Seed rant over,have a good grow mate!
Auto Jack is the only Auto strain from Paradise seeds that i don't have in my possesion but i'l definetly be checking it out! I feel your pain at losing the AUto Jack cause i lost the 2 Vertigo seeds i germinated a couple of weeks ago.1 of them didn't germ and the other died from some pretty minor stress.I was raging!!!!.They are "weak" seeds i recon they didn't look nice TBH and the replacements look as bad IMO.
They are small seeds all 1 colour/shade with no pattern on it and gives the impression of being immature to me and in my (limited) experience seeds that look this way have a lower chance of germination and survival. My Automaria #1's looked the same and only 2 out of 5 of them germinated and one took so long i thought it was dead and didnt water it after 3 weeks and found it weeks later dried up under the soil lol.
The Auto Wappa, Auto Whiteberry and Pandora's on the other hand were massive chunky seeds with this spotted pattern on them wich from my experience is a sign of a good seed thats almost garunteed to germinate properly and as i predicted they all germed quickly with no issues!Hmm.
Seed rant over,have a good grow mate!