Indoor Paradise Seeds Pandora and AutoJack; Sunshine#4 and Roots Organics nutes

Damn! Such a young girl to be moving so fast! Before you know it, she's gonna be showing you her girl parts! Soon after that, every time you touch the little hussy, she's gonna be getting your fingers all sticky with her lady juices! Just a fast little tramp in the making, if ya ask me!
You sexy perv!
No, wait! I didn't say that! Damn you and those smooth thighs, Wax!
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LOL greenbandit :Haha: Some funny shizz right there lol.

and might I say..HOLY MOLEY. Dude! thats some super fast germination station procreation restoration man.

The fastest I had some germ was within 24 hours..but not 12 hours lol.

Sorry to hear about pulling your girl man. I think I might just do that with my sorry ass krippleberry in the 2 32oz cups. Specially since my 1 gal girl is doing so good.

Cheers my good man.:Cheers: :Sharing One:
You sexy perv!
No, wait! I didn't say that! Damn you and those smooth thighs, Wax!
Bummer that there's not a wolf whistle emoji, eh? lolol
LOL greenbandit :Haha: Some funny shizz right there lol.

and might I say..HOLY MOLEY. Dude! thats some super fast germination station procreation restoration man.

The fastest I had some germ was within 24 hours..but not 12 hours lol.

Sorry to hear about pulling your girl man. I think I might just do that with my sorry ass krippleberry in the 2 32oz cups. Specially since my 1 gal girl is doing so good.

Cheers my good man.:Cheers: :Sharing One:

Cheers, Neko! I'd best change the avatar, lest I be "type-cast"... Bahahaha
Yeah, that seed was just rocket blasted out of its shell! And, it popped from the soil-withOUT a casing left mind you, so fast that I thought I'd switched plant pots by mistake. Let's hope she is 100% Mammoth!

Great to have you pop in, Brothers! Rock the day!
Moving that fast, I got her being a beast! Monster in the making, right there...
Ms. Pandora is on Day 29 in the auto closet, and she seems to be happy in her solitude :) She's started to stretch, and is showing her girly parts, so it looks like she's plenty happy with 1/2 strength nutes! I noted a slight cal mag issue starting last weekend, and after a good dressing of Roots Elemental, along with a molasses chaser, she is looking fine now :) It'll be a few days, but she will have a partner in the closet, as the Blue Mammoth seedling is doing great and will be ready for the closet this weekend, methinks.
Pandora, Day29, and happy :)

Some love to y'all! I'll update again this weekend..
Cut the lights off for the pic, you lazy ass! I wanna see her in her untouched, all natural beauty!! LOL!
Cut the lights off for the pic, you lazy ass! I wanna see her in her untouched, all natural beauty!! LOL!
Who do you think you are, Bandit?! Jan Wenner??? lololol
I was in a state of worry when I took pics... Check out my CBD test journal. I have a boy in the tent....
As for lazy... guilty, as charged! BUT, I have a black bear chili simmering that'd make you leave your mama!
some love, Bro :)
:Sharing One: