Give it some more time to work.
Next watering is due to be the much needed feed...
Attached pics of what she looks like. Yellowing has advanced obviously, and some of those yellow leaves have developed brown mottled spots between the veins (check these in the pics, could be something else). Some are just browning and dying at the tips.
I think what happened is, at some point during us trying to fix the overfeed a few weeks ago, she reached the point of needing more feed, ending in her starving.
Next watering (approx tuesday) will be 1ml grow and 3ml bloom, and I might increase frequency to nute/water/nute/water. I assume the small pot (2L) is partly to blame.
Does she look like she needs anything else other than the standard macro nutes? Calmag or anything else? And if so, should I just add a small amount to each feed water from here on?
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