Outdoor outside autos suffering 50% lose the first few weeks



I am growing on the south face of a bench on a cliff.I double dug the soil down 2 feet and added water retention chistyls.The soil is lacking in clay and sand. It is mostly organic based and very crumbly. My problem is if I transplant them from the seedling tray, they soon dry out along with the first 4 inches of soil.My second batch I dug fertile plugs down 12 inches and filled with pro-mix.Most of these soon died from dampening off.Mulching did not help. At the same time the photos are thriving.Any ideas anyone?
Yup, sex em out under lights and bring the ladies out when they show. I'd also avoid those water retention polymers, they put some nasty chems into your bud and there have even been reports of them tainting bud with a chemical taste.
Thanks JM and Mr. piggy. You are so right. The first group I did start inside for three weeks then moved outside and they did great. Now that is not possible.Family has moved in for a while.