Outdoor Outdoor With Mephisto

I just finished a Double Grape outdoors, I missed the first few weeks of the plants life as I was out of town working so the plant suffered a little bit but in the end I still got an Oz dry weight. I needed to keep the plant small so I topped it and applied LST, the total height of the plant was 25cm. I now have the following SODK, Beary White, CDLC and AVT in varying stages going outdoors. The SODK is very strong smelling so beware it also likes to grow big even though I have tried tying her down she still is a large plant even if she is not that tall. I have found growing autos outdoor your yield will suffer but what you do even up with is top shelf if you run Mephisto genetics. Good luck with your grow mate I will be sure to drop in and check on your progress :)
I just finished a Double Grape outdoors, I missed the first few weeks of the plants life as I was out of town working so the plant suffered a little bit but in the end I still got an Oz dry weight. I needed to keep the plant small so I topped it and applied LST, the total height of the plant was 25cm. I now have the following SODK, Beary White, CDLC and AVT in varying stages going outdoors. The SODK is very strong smelling so beware it also likes to grow big even though I have tried tying her down she still is a large plant even if she is not that tall. I have found growing autos outdoor your yield will suffer but what you do even up with is top shelf if you run Mephisto genetics. Good luck with your grow mate I will be sure to drop in and check on your progress :)

If you grow em out just right yields can certainly be there in a season with favourable weather...2 seasons ago i averaged 5 ounces dry per auto between 5 different strains. https://www.autoflower.org/threads/...owing-under-the-sun.56402/page-5#post-1288176