Outdoor Outdoor Thaipan

Awesome man, I have a 4' Thaipan that could be a Pekhuruder cross but most likely is pure TP...

They get big man, Even when in full bloom those bitches stretch widely, Nice work...

You have all of the rarities...

These are 2 of my Thaipan, Temperature is around 85F of the day and 60F lows of the night...
Both seeded with Purple AK-47 pollen...

Man those are awesome! You have got some skills my friend! This is my new favorite auto strain as well. Keep up the good work man!
Grow reports have all been good for Thaipan.
Now we need more smoke reports! :D

Very soon my friend, I have one early seeded girl but the bud is still swelling good and it stinks like rotten lemons so it'll still put out a good amount of smoke...

Should be even better when the bigger one finishes...


Here are some pics that I took this morning of my Thaipan ladies. I plan on giving them a feeding this evening. I have been giving them a tea of Happy Frog Fruit and Flower. This is such a beautiful plant. Both were stunted due to our heat but seem to be coming along ok.
I am growing some Fast Bud in hot weather and I found my plants stunted as well. I started using organic nutes and the plants picked right up. I was only watering with plain water every other day or even less if the weather was wet and humid.

Now I think they could use some nutes from the very beginning, even though I added some fertilizer to the soil when mixing. I will at least add some organic stuff early to activate the soil and promote healthy fauna. But I probably won't grow outdoors again, although it was basically free besides the seeds and I learned so much.
The mods and breeders in here may like to know that the original name of the Thaipan is "Dragon Race Haze".

It was a danish underground strain that Sabe did a fantastic job of saving, he searched high and low for it for a long time until he finally got some very few seeds by a local danish grower if i recall the story correctly. He then did a small seedrun with it indoors and made a cpl of crosses. If it wasnt for his wholehearted effort to save it, it would have been long gone by now.

It has been said that it could be a thai auto landrace but its hard to confirm. If i recall correctly it was renamed thaipan to highlight the thai origins of the strain. Personally i think Dragon Race Haze is a fantastic name, would be cool if LBH or Sabe released a revamped thaipan haze with that name. Should fit the image of the site perfectly imo. ;)

Major props to both LBH and Sabe for saving this very interesting strain for the future.


Lovely strain i happy i crost it to mine auto haze i named it thaipan haze i use a male thaipan haze and crost it back to auto haze to make autoflowering Asian Haze
soon for sale on icmag becorse seeddepot go ofline and ripp me and manny other breeders of there seeds they never had payed us so icmag i will sent some of mine strains so you guy's can injoy growing some of mine work meabey i gone make new seeds of thaipan 2.0 if people wil like it

picture of LBH's Asian Haze

Peace LBH

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