Outdoor Strategies

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coco can and is being used all over the place in organic grows within a living mix.problem is ,well nothing to be honest.but it cant be used solely is all.unless you do a soup n drip style organic with a lower PH as coco tends to like.but that isnt needed for a hybrid soil grow for organics.it negates the PH issues all together.Ive used it at a 20% mix once and known ppl to use full on 50/50's..so go for it dude.in place of spag peat.topsoil,or anything of the like..use coco coir man and a decent used soil or bagged whichever.it'll do ya just fine man.just make sure the coir is balanced or pre washed or what have ya.if its uber fresh it'll take a cpl months to cook that PH out of there.n then you can start mixing.lol
K gonna start packing bricks in fer next years holes.
Say there was a plant outdoors, in bush, Australia.
Its about week 3.5-4 and only about 4 inches. It had about 9 or 10 leaves but small, and some have holes from the insects (eco-neemed them.) Good soil, just gave first nuets. Its autumn here, gets to about 10-14 degrees temp. I hope the ruderelis will provide frost resistance is that correct? Just worried as it seems very small at the moment. Strain is Royal Kush Auto. Bottom newest leaves were a bit yellow and droopy, hopefully the neuts will fix that.
Im also worried about the level of consistent rain there has been!
hello zadax that is nightime temps? if not that is pretty cool bro to get any significant gowth.
Yea at night atm, its moreso theres been a bit of rain latley. Would mulching the plant be a good idea for the cold weather?
Yes...yes it would. Black mulch would be best, absorbs more heat.
Are there any ways to combat the natural weather's over raining/ prolonged wet periods?
Last year I grew in 3 gallon pots outside. It was absolutely awful. I had to water everyday in the heat of the summer. The slow side was about every three days. Still too much for a stealthy grow. The second half of the summer I dug into the clay slab that area is on and filled the holes with potting mix. I dug good sized holes and amended with espoma tomato food. Unfortunately the autos I dug them holes for did not make it. But the long season girls like the holes pretty good. The clay when dug out holds it shape really well.
It is like making an inverted pot out of clay.

So this year I am planning on diggin into the clay again hopefully I can get something figured out with amending the clay cause buying potting mix for each hole sucks.

Anyone else here in the clay? If so how did you find out any fixes for it.....short of years of addin compost to make the soil right. I need something I can get in and out.
your not going to like what I have to say but im pretty sure its sand added to clay to give it drainage and clay into sand to make it hold water though. I have the opposite problem I got nothing but sand lol wanna trade?
depedning on where you are... you might want to consider spring turkey season... if you haul stuff in way eraly like that... make sure it is WELL hidden until ur ready to use it... or better... get it in the holes and get them covered back up with sticks leaves etc...

I'm still tryin to figure up a new spot for outdoor this year myself... think i got a spot... gonna be a long trip there n back... but remote with lots of spring feeds... i can gravity feed my babies... got drip line..

then again, that shit its always risky...
I hate Prohibition....
Watch this series, 14 parts to it i think. You'll understand it more if you see him do it. It's the bucket in the stream, i suppose it would only work in certain terrain. But it's a good idea imo.
If your an outdoor guy it's a good vid to watch, will inspire you. :D

I've already stashed a couple bails in the woods.. :D It's not fun doing it all in one day.

One of those 20 gal smart pots would be nice to use too. Could put 20 or so autos in there. Guerrilla a few of those around the woods and it'd be an alright summer.

I am even going as far as finding a bee keepers mask like that.. Or maybe a Tillie with a mosquito net or some thing. Seemed genius, if some one spots you in the woods they aren't getting an ID, that's for sure.

love this series!!!!