Outdoor Outdoor organic grow in northern Greece

Apr 7, 2017
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Hello everyone.I plan to grow some autoflowering plants from dinafem and dutch passion(auto amnesia xxl, durban poison, white whidow) outdoors in holes of about 25 liters capacity filled with good soil.I wanna combine BioCanna with Biotabs products somehow with some other additives.I've been growing photoperiod plants outdoors the last two years.First year with nothing but native soil,some goat and cow manure and composted garden material.Same and last summer but this time i used BioCanna nutes too.This year i wanna try my best for achieving an organic based high yield,so after too much researching, comparing and analyzing I will try some commercial products.I fully support homemade potting mixes ,fertilizers, fermented plant extracts, bokashi composting , active aerated compost teas but not enough time this year!So I chose BioCanna and Biotabs as a commercial alternative to nice homemade organic products.AACT will be applied though.


Base will be something like that :

40% Canna BioTerra Plus
20% compost(made of posidonia oceanica which is a seaweed of mediterranean, grape skin, olive leaves and olivecore)
20% coco
10% worm castings
10% native forest topsoil

To that I add 10% pumice stone ,10% zeolite(0.8 - 2.5 mm) ,10% biochar.
I will also add Startrex and some organic slow-release fertilizer tablets from Biotabs.

  • I will innoculate the soil with Mycotrex and Bactrex from Biotabs.I will also use the Agrobacterias series of products for bigger microlife diversity. (bactohemp-bactofil-bactobloom-bactomatik-bactogel)

  • BioCanna Biorhizotonic

  • Vega - Flores from BioCanna
  • Orgatrex from Biotabs
I had great results last summer with photoperiod plants using Biocanna as base fertilizer and I don't wanna change it but I wanna give a try to orgatrex from biotabs too.Maybe I will feed normally on Biocanna nutes and water sometimes with an Orgatrex solution,just to have food diversity for my babies!

  • BioBoost from BioCanna
  • Delta 9 from Cannabiogen
  • PK booster Compost Tea from Biotabs
BioBoost will be used for sure.As for the PK Boosters I am not yet sure about which to use..Maybe a cyclical application of these products will make a difference,maybe not.But at least each product will be given a chance to prove me it deserves the money!!!Plants will show what they love.

  • Advanced Nutrients Ancient Earth
  • Hesi Supervit
  • Canna Cannazym
  • BioTabs BoomBoom Spray
  • Neem oil
  • Propolix
  • Diatomaceous Earth
  • Amanitha from Agrobacterias
  • Zeolite dust (< 0.063 mm)
  • Topdressing and active aerated compost teas will be performed throughout the cycle.Posidonia compost is a very good material for this reason

Can't wait to move to the mountains!!!!
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Hey great to meet you!! Good luck with your grow, excited to see how it works out for you! Nice strain choices. You sure do have a lot of fertilizer choices!! Autos often like a lighter mix than photos. I wish I could give nutrient specific advice but the only one I have ran is AN mother earth bloom tea from your list.
Once you have been a member of AFN for 30 days and you have 50 posts you can enter plants in our first annual outdoor auto contest if you are interested. Top 3 prizes for both photoperiod and autoflower and winners will be voted on a single cola and a dried bud pic. https://www.autoflower.org/threads/outdoor-auto-and-photo-grow-battle-under-the-sun-2017.58104/

A great place to get your 50 posts is over at https://www.autoflower.org/threads/...-feb-2017-onward.57896/page-1817#post-1422651 Tag me if you want to shoot the breeze about outdoor growing @912GreenSkell