Outdoor Outdoor guerilla chaze grow

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I sometimes take many soil samples from each of the patches I plan to use during the next seasons. one area I lived in had a great agriculture dept. that I could drop several anonymous soil samples of at and they would call me back and let me know what they've found with the soil.
I don't know if my current location has the same options and I haven't wanted to raise eyebrows by asking such questions, but alot of places do offer that option. It's great and I recommend testing your soil in the patches you plan on growing in....

I've had excellent success planting in hermit's backyards and planting between the most active homeowner's fences.. between their fence's!!! Who would have thought that you could successfully grow decent purple ganja between two fences in unclaimed ...even unrecognized land "as far as ownership... with the "set it and forget it" method. I found this method by an unwanted house guest finding a grow and having to move the whole house worth of grow in less than 15 minutes to make the house ready for a search. I planted the plants in a family member's subdivision between the fences of neighboring homes. when I came back to check if there was evidence of dead, dried up plants I found the unexpected nice, juicy, fat, purple nuggets... only downside was also an upside, the house didn't have a clone room or feminized seeds so there was males and I had fresh "purple power" seeds. I really expected to find nothing much at all... I didn't think a plant could get a whole lot of sunlight between a couple fences, I had so much bud and seeds. GOODTIMES

Somehow the house didn't get searched, but I was able to take apart and move everything miles away with 2 trips in a van, within about 20 minutes... hauling ass. bad idea with a pending search and a van full of lights, tables, reservoirs and plants in rockwool . LOL. those were trying times, thankfully everything was alright in the end, but better to be safe than sorry.

Oh yeah the plants behind the fence went right into the plain sandy ground from flood and drain rockwool cubes... who would have thought?
yeah dude... been there too... scary times... cant tell you how many emergency shutdowns or relocates ive done... ughhh...
nice save though!


were the fencelines running north / south?
dude it's been over 8 years and several moves since that scare, I wish I could remember...:toke: a few too many tokes I guess... I kinda wanna say northeast to southwest.
Cheers johnny i will bare all that in mind. I have had a successful guerialla grow (from my pictures) in the sence that i didnt get caught and they gave me a decent amount for my first grow i believe anyway. Also the Lowryder my mate bought them for me off some random site which is to blame as i wasnt realy in the know of seed banks or anything as such, i just had some bag seed and wanted to grow. Im annoyed as i had pictures of my k2 plants ( bagseed called k2 by dealer) on my blackberry before it decided to wipe itself :( because i kept them in 32 oz cups in my garden and got about an ounce from 3 plants of real dense stinky bud. I did hear k2 was an easy grower, but yeh im gunna order a shitload of chase and maybe some annapurna or nirvana sky and do lots and lots :toke:

lol i love how dealers will make up any dumbass name to make a profit, just like the "purp" my local ones have that are rarely purple or dank haha, where im from k2 is a synthetic marijuana sold in gas stations haha

use google maps and find a location that looks like it can get ALOT of sun, i took it for granted on my first grow and the bad results followed, a wide open space with minimal trees to no trees with alot of small vegetation is ideal, it took me weeks to find my spot like that but it will be worth it in the end

off topic: i have those nikes too :p ( had them at least haha)
Oh man, one of the scariest moments of my life was being 21 and loading a full sized u-haul with 60+ large plants out of my friends basement under the cover of night in a nosey neighborhood. A friend helps you move, a good friend helps you move bodies, a real keeper helps you move a 25 foot u-haul crammed full of giant plants and growing equipment across town....twice. I've been held at gunpoint and been less scared.

Google maps is AWESOME for mid winter recon as most of their pictures are taken in the summer and give you a better than ballpark figure of what vegetation is present in the summer and where nearby water levels are going to be at. I guerrilla in blackberries on a flood plain on a huge river island. The water level is low enough I don't have to water too much and the silt from when it floods in the winter is growing gold. Just find some brambles that a normal person would have to be crazy to go near and burrow like a badger.
Oh man, one of the scariest moments of my life was being 21 and loading a full sized u-haul with 60+ large plants out of my friends basement under the cover of night in a nosey neighborhood. A friend helps you move, a good friend helps you move bodies, a real keeper helps you move a 25 foot u-haul crammed full of giant plants and growing equipment across town....twice. I've been held at gunpoint and been less scared.

My dawgs we have saying... "A guy you can call and tell him to bring a shovel... and he shows... no questions asked" - its implied

I've been held at gunpoint too... and its scary when someone puts a 45 right to your head.... and you know they mean it... but I gotta concur... more adrenaline in moving stuff... espcially a big op like that!
I have a folding shovel and a bag of lime, keep me on speed dial.

Yeah, I've been robbed a few times but the really scary ones were cops. At one point in new orleans I was trying to hop out when one of the yard bulls caught me. He took my id back to the car and made me sit in the spotlight with my hands on my head while he ran my info. The next thing I heard was a round being chambered and him barking out "**** *********, YOU ARE WANTED FOR MURDER IN THE STATE OF ARKANSAS. DO NOT MOVE OR I WILL SHOOT" Damn dude, I'd never even been there. It's not easy being a traveling kid, everybody knows they could wipe you off the planet and no one would notice. Luckily he figured out his mistake about twenty minutes later and let me go. The next day I got my foot stuck in a foot well on a 48 and got dragged by a train. Lesson? Don't hop trains in the south if you're a clumsy fuck with the same name as someone wanted for murder. Now I do safe and sane things like grow pot for fun and go to college.
Mine was thanks to a guy I knew talkin shit to another guy... happened to be trimming up a plant at his house when the guy showed up.... there was a gun to the back of my head before I knew what was going on... I had to explain I didnt make those prank calls... some people are just ass holes... lol

Lemme tell you... a .45 to the back of your head makes you run down the list of priorities pretty frikin fast... lol
At that point I would have said "hold on, I'll grab a shovel and drive you to his place"
nope... they were both "weeded" out of my life like bad crabgrass. Good frikin riddance... I dont need drama in my life and certainly dont need a gun pointed at my head over stupis BS.... my life is fucked up enough.. lol

Same goes for ass holes who burn me financially... I let it go... they lost more by losing my expertise than they gained in fucking me outta money... lol

doesnt change the urge to "do things they might not like" to them tho... :crying: