Outdoor outdoor auto noob

Unfortunately 9 out of 10 seeds were male, which is making selection a challenge.
That said, the plants are starting to put the beef on. I've been giving them a little this and that (dilute urine, molasses, fish).
Males are stretching, covered with flowers and already dropping a little pollen.
My female is squat, robust, good odor.
I've culled 3 plants so far, 2 runts and a green stretchy chap with low odor.
I'm treating them as F1's and will be removing dudes which don't appear to be bringing anything to the table.
I'm seeing differences in coloration, odor and stature. There's a green and a purple/black flower expression. I'm leaning towards the purple pheno reading that it may be more medicinal.
Selecting for odor is a hard one to pin down, seems to be variable depending on the time of day and from one day to the next, but I'm keeping notes.
One scrawny male near the edge of my space has taken some damage from insects due to location but it's the only plant showing trichomes! I don't know if it's a special plant, or if it's just a response to insect damage?
Don't really know what I'm doing, but only one way to learn...
The drought continues, I think we've had like 1-1/2" of rain since May. It's brutal.
I've pulled another low vigor, low odor, no resin male (I'm surprised by the lack of root development).
I've got six plants left.
There is a lot of variation in the males. The smaller, stinkier, more resinous variants have been dropping pollen for weeks and are at their peak. The larger males are covered in balls but haven't dropped much pollen yet.
Unfortunately it looks like my one girl is slowing down. At six weeks, she's only ~30cm tall and already looking pretty mature. I'm hoping that she'll be still receptive to the big males when they decide to bust. If not, I might have to collect and store some pollen from the big boys if my female doesn't hang on.

Another note:
I played around with brewing my own lactic acid ferment with tree leaves after listening to DragonFly Earth Medicine on The PotCast.
I packed a bucket full of green tree (ash) leaves and water, and put a lid on it and left it in semi-shade.
After a couple of weeks it looked and smelled like kombucha.
I believe I made a mistake foliar spraying the stuff at full strength... It needs to be diluted. Some of my other plants showed signs of stress.
I think that's why the pistils on my female look a little burnt.

big male - Copy.jpg
cull - Copy.jpg
fem - Copy.jpg
fem_bud - Copy.jpg
Still no rain! I had to put some mulch down so the soil can retain more moisture.
My girl isn't showing any fresh pistils so I pulled all of my males and bagged them and hung them for pollen collection (new experiment for me).
She's a small one, but should produce a good number of seeds for me.
I am shocked by how fast these autos mature...
It is amazing that these babies don't require grow lights/heat mats etc. to get a head start on a short growing season.
So I've got one runt of a plant, but after testing some puny lower branch prunings, I found out how strong she is.
One toke... nice flavor
Two tokes... hmmm
Three tokes... :toke:
pollen bag.jpg

Oh, and I've hired a garden security guard...:eek2:...
