Outdoor Outdoor 2012... Testing and selecting P&Z strains along with Cres outdoor strains... Thai Haze-47 an

thanks for the nice words...the more I read about ya nc420, I see we are using similar techniques for different outcomes. I wanted the Auto's to try for a breed that is compact, and potent. I had a 'saturation' plan. I went with RoadRunner female to Jet 47 male. Thoughts? Anyone with similar goal? Even though you are going for bigger, and Im going smaller, we are very close in our climate. About the 18yr old, play on playa! hahaha jk...Im pullin for ya. Girls always realize things, but its too late usually!
thanks for the nice words...the more I read about ya nc420, I see we are using similar techniques for different outcomes. I wanted the Auto's to try for a breed that is compact, and potent. I had a 'saturation' plan. I went with RoadRunner female to Jet 47 male. Thoughts? Anyone with similar goal? Even though you are going for bigger, and Im going smaller, we are very close in our climate. About the 18yr old, play on playa! hahaha jk...Im pullin for ya. Girls always realize things, but its too late usually!

We are all going for the same outcome even if we want different sizes, We're all about the AF's here mate and some Semi-Autos too because they hold a lot of the photoperiod characteristics...
I'm already were I want to be with the Thai Haze#47 and now I'm just taking them to F4 so I can get them on the open market...
I'm also working with an original Super Silver Haze x Purple AK-47 cross that is only good outdoors and I just want it to be an outdoor strain because here where I live it does perfect...
I have to take some pictures for an update so you guys can see how great the Cres strains and the P&Z strains do, Along with my crosses...
OH YEAH, If your lurking Wiz I have a Thai JEM that I want you to see, I'll post pictures of the brutes when my camera batteries charfe up...

Once I get my Thai HAze#47 at F3 I will need a committed person to help me get them to F4 and I'm just setting back watching for the write one:thumbs:

I can tell that me and you are going to hit it off BronzeHead, Hit me with a PM when you need anything or just want to talk because I'm a talker:lol:

Peace guys and be cool...

Holler JM.....
well, that thai haze #47 would look good in my jars... :hump: Ur a talker, Im a talker, and Ill be your slightly northern guinea pig any ole day of the week. Except after a couple seasons Ill try and shrink that baby, and get it in the jar quicker! Roger on the PM...gotta get the kids in bed, and a different state of awareness!

Anyone with thoughts on the RR x Jet 47 cross? Should I travel down that road, or detour?
Little update guys...
Thai Haze#47 and Thai JEM...View attachment 104873View attachment 104874
Thai JEM F1-

Every plant but the middle one in the first row is Thai Haze#47-
oh damn, fantastic nc420.. they look spectacular!
any estimate on yield amount? How much longer you think?

I give them at least 14 more days because I've got therm all seeded with a big branching Thai Haze#47 male...
I even seeded the Mighty Durban and the Thai JEM, Should make for some interesting crosses.