Photoperiod Organic White Widow & Great White Shark grow!

damn bro, that turned out well didnt it. nice one. i seen you mention about the lighting screwing with your mojo. because they are photos do they stop flowering if you dont keep them on 12/12 then? i done photos once years ago but didnt know what i was doing so i dont really count it. lookin awesome though man. kudos :greenthumb:
Thanks for the link brother.
Now i know! ;)
Great looking set up and some stonking plants, I have given you a slap my brother :slap: for a job well done!
I ran biobizz for a long time , I started with all mix and then went on to light mix.
I really liked Bio Heaven as well i don't know if you have used it?
Bio heaven is a bit more expensive that the rest of the Biobizz range but it does wonders to the overall uptake of nutrients.
I stopped using it because an old forum which I moderated sent me 2 kilos of Powder Feeding, which i have been working my way through as i only have a small set up.
I am now switching to Biotabs so going back to organics in an auto pot system, i transplant at sex so for the first 3 weeks i will be using biobizz grow as they are in small pots until the transplant.
Have a great end of grow and enjoy the fruits of your labour!
Why thank you sir ;)
Never used bio heaven, I was looking at it and read alot of comments saying it didn't really make much of a difference that's why I just went with the 3 part, I was thinking of getting some pk13/14 or organic bloombastic but now you mentioned bio heaven and seeing as you're speaking from experience, I may just sway towards that instead and just use it along with my grow bloom and top max.
Thanks again for the slap and the recognition and for the handy bit of info [emoji111]
damn bro, that turned out well didnt it. nice one. i seen you mention about the lighting screwing with your mojo. because they are photos do they stop flowering if you dont keep them on 12/12 then? i done photos once years ago but didnt know what i was doing so i dont really count it. lookin awesome though man. kudos :greenthumb:
Thanks, not long until harvest now. Halfway there lol [emoji23] yeah photo plants react drastically to light during the dark period of flowering. My light was on for a few hours each night for at least a few days, so the plants had started to revert to Vegging in a strange sort of way, the flowering behaviour died off dramatically and the plants hit a brick wall, but after fixing the timers and a week of recovery the plants started to flower again. They will be affected no doubt but hopefully not too much
ahh i didnt know they could do that. so what would happen if you buggered the lights at this point in the grow? would the plant start streching without adding more bud and make your nugs turn sparse and fluffy. been considering a photo for the start of next season but i have to kill the power for a few hours every now and again for various reasons so thats kinda put me off a bit.
The ladies at around 7/8 weeks flower... Checked the trics and I'm positive that there's at most 2 weeks left before they all come down. The runt of the litter is almost ready she's mainly all cloudy now, getting more Amber as the days go on. The runt has been getting flushed for around 4 days now and has been 1/4 harvested, the rest will hopefully be taken down once I can test the first bits that came off her. For anyone wondering, I partially harvest my plants, so that the energy and flower power is diverted to the lower buds which helps them to fatten up instead of being so weak and loose. Anyway enough of my stoner rambling, here's the girls.
I may be mistaken, definitely 7 weeks. If even lol just checked my photo info in my album. Plants still have at least a week left so given that they are 8/9 week strains they are only entering 8 weeks now so here's hoping. I don't go by the companies flower times, I use my scope to check the trichomes so it could be less for some and more for others, just gotta keep checking. All I know is from here on out no more nutrients.. Plain phd water is all. Stay tuned for more updates and a final report.