Organic Red Poison and Med Gom grow in 15L Airpots under Hans Panel

Jul 22, 2015
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Ok guys I have 4 completed grows under my belt (2 photo and 2 autoflower) so therefore I’m the Autoflower noob. I got in love with growing Autoflower strains because I’m just amazed how quickly they move through the growth stages. I am very happy to be a part of the AFN community and I am very grateful for all the information and advice that I have received from this site and its members, who are always so kind to answer my questions and share their know-how.

Especially I would like to thank:

@Hansbricks for sharing all his amazing grows and inspiring me to start my own Red Poison growjournal

@Hazy for teaching me the art of LST

And of course the one and only grow guru @Waira who was always so kind to share his wisdom and give me the right advice when I needed it.

This is the 3rd attempt of my 3rd Autoflower grow. The first 2 attempts were destroyed by damping off. This never happened to me before, but I learned my lesson and know how to avoid it in future.

My set up:

1 Red Poison (from Sweet Seeds) & 1 Med Gom (from CBD Crew)

15 L Airpots

Hans Panel (150 W version): Vegging Mode: 56 W Flower Mode: 148 W

80cm x 80cm x 160cm Homebox Evolution Tent

Bio Bizz Light Mix soil and the Whole range of Bio Bizz nutes


All species of Mycorrhiza, Ectomycorrhizal fungi, Endomycorrhizal fungi, Trichodermal fungi and Beneficial soil microorganisms.



Light schedule 20/4

Red poison is 31 days old and Med Gom is 30 days old (since breaking the ground on 27th March). I decided to start the journal now because the first 30 days are usually boring and from day 30 onwards is where the magic begins to happen. I really really hope that I have the Red Poison pheno that will color up and can’t wait to see this amazing colour transition that this strain is known for. I was drooling when I saw the red poison journal of Hansbricks and hope to experience these amazing colours myself.


The girls have been LSTed since they were 14 days old. I do not cut any leaves because I don’t want to stunt them in any way. So if some leaves are covering potential bud sites then I ponytail them with soft wire and tuck them.


It seems that both girls have entered into the stretching phase and I am feeding them good in order to make sure that they achieve their full potential.

The feed:

3ml Bio Grow, 3 ml Bio Heaven, 2 ml Alg A Mic / Per 1 Liter (I stopped giving Root Juice @ 4 ml/L)

The PH of the feed is 5.9…I don’t use anything to bring up the PH and the girls did not complain yet so I guest the Bio Bizz light mix soil (which has an advertised PH of 6.2) is buffering pretty well. I might get some dolomite lime or potassium bi-carbonate as PH UP to add to the feeding solution if the PH will get lower than 5.9 when I begin to increase the nutes.

Here are some more individual pics.

Med Gom
View attachment 559492

Red Poison
View attachment 559494 View attachment 559495



I will be making updates every time I water my girls...which is almost every day or every other day.



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Hey bro, thanks for the shout out... Looks like you're off to a great start so far, nice job with the LST :thumbsup:
Hoping you get the same deep purple pheno I got... I can only imagine how good some nicely cured, organic RP would be :eyebrows:
Good luck with the rest of the the grow buddy, I'll keep an eye on this one. :pop:
Hey bro, thanks for the shout out... Looks like you're off to a great start so far, nice job with the LST :thumbsup:
Hoping you get the same deep purple pheno I got... I can only imagine how good some nicely cured, organic RP would be :eyebrows:
Good luck with the rest of the the grow buddy, I'll keep an eye on this one. :pop:

Thanks for the compliments mate…I am really trying to incorporate all the things I learned from AFN onto this grow. If I just get a fraction of the purple pheno that you had then I would be more than happy:smoking:

By the way, do you remember when approximately your red poison started to show some colours?
Ah here ya are. Looking fantastic bro! Red Poison is one of my main favorites, think I've grown it 6x different rounds now haha. Just love it, and we get along great with my anxiety / blues. It's usually the jar I grab if I'm freaking the F out lol.

As you can see, it's a good and easy grower! Only had 1 green phenotype plant that didn't red/purp up. It's newbie friendly too, it's not really a picky betch like some, just likes a good bit of CalMag. Haven't been able to burn one yet either, and just to try to burn one lol, I took one all the way up to 140% organic nute strength and it didn't care lol. Not saying to try that lol, just sayin it's friendly. The smells and colors are my favorite part, it's like musky spicy herb wine smell. Doesn't really look or smell like regular California weed when it's done.

Anyway, best of luck, you're doing great so far!
Thanks for the compliments mate…I am really trying to incorporate all the things I learned from AFN onto this grow. If I just get a fraction of the purple pheno that you had then I would be more than happy:smoking:

By the way, do you remember when approximately your red poison started to show some colours?
Had to go back and check but looks like mine was showing colours as early as day 28.

Pic from day 28
Then by day 36... ;)
Here are a few shots of my Red Poison she only went 58 days and is drying now... I got a cool 3.5 ounces (guesstimate) dry she still has 2 or 3 days left to go. Not organic but still the Red :) Cheers... Shes one of my favorite as well. Hopefully my post goes up because the site seems to not be working right,everything is really slow and not loading with broken links... :(
Red Budz 001.jpg
Red Budz 002.jpg
Red Budz 003.jpg

Ah here ya are. Looking fantastic bro! Red Poison is one of my main favorites, think I've grown it 6x different rounds now haha. Just love it, and we get along great with my anxiety / blues. It's usually the jar I grab if I'm freaking the F out lol.

As you can see, it's a good and easy grower! Only had 1 green phenotype plant that didn't red/purp up. It's newbie friendly too, it's not really a picky betch like some, just likes a good bit of CalMag. Haven't been able to burn one yet either, and just to try to burn one lol, I took one all the way up to 140% organic nute strength and it didn't care lol. Not saying to try that lol, just sayin it's friendly. The smells and colors are my favorite part, it's like musky spicy herb wine smell. Doesn't really look or smell like regular California weed when it's done.

Anyway, best of luck, you're doing great so far!

Hey thanks @Anthropolis . Yeah, until now the red poison has been a very good and easy grower and from the beginning I have been feeding her very well and she loves signs of complains. Happy to hear about your experience with her, I will try to also push the nutes to get the most out of her. #

Just can't wait to see her hit the full bloom stage so I can sit back, relax and hopefully she will hypnotize me with those red/purple colors. She is already getting her unbelievable stretch on and I am just amazed how much she has grown during the last two days. I will do a report tomorrow with a lot of pictures…don’t have the time to it today as planned.