New Grower Organic Fert+Nirvana Flowertabs+4 Auto

I think the tabs work best if you don't break them down smaller than 1/2 ... once you put in a flower tab you water it in w/ plain water and then it's just water from that point on ...
I'm a member of Grass City but for some reason none of your photos open for me and your links don't lead to fertilizer ... stick w/ AFN for advice on auto flowers .... the person posting in your thread that his auto grows better at 12/12 would not be good advice to take ... it's tough to know why some plants stay smaller than others (check out my signature grow from the start) but when you mix manure into your soil you run the risk of it being too hot which can cause stunting ... w/ autos, if I'm using Soil and Flower tabs I like to start w/ the most mild ( unfertilized ) potting soil I can find ... such as seedling starter soil ... I mix that w/ 25-50% perlite ... hotter conditions use 25% ... cooler, use a little more perlite. Perlite may go by another name in your country. I suspect inconsistency in mixing in amendments may be the cause of your smaller one ... the others are all pretty close to each other ... almost every grow w/more than 2 plants has a big one and a runt so don't worry about the small one.
yes chester. the manure which im using are ready made organic fertilizer local made. they mixed with many organic stuffs like bat guano bone meal . ready made packed. very clean. yeah. i use very small amount for each organic fertilizer.

last time i used fresh chicken shit. not dried enough. my plant got stunt. i will post all the organic fertilizer i use.

2 gallons

Soil medium
DAISO planting soil ( 2 litre bag ) + Sand + Rich hull ash

Fertilizer for soil mix
1. DAISO manure of vegetabels ( 1 tablespoon )
2. DAISO manure of pot ( 1 tablespoon )
3. DAISO fertilizer for flowering & pot ( 1 tablespoon )
4 DAISO organic lime ( 3 tablespoon)
5. BEE DRAGON organic fertilizer ( 3 tablespoon )
5. ZM (NPK+Sulfur) ( 1 tablespoon )
6. Unknown fertilizer with clear bag ( 2 tablespoon )
7. Bone meal ( 5 tablespoon )
8. Potash rock ( 2 tablespoon )

Drenching supplements at soil mix
1. AMINO POWER ( fish emulsion amino acid + molasses )
5ml : 1000ml of water (mixed well)
half bottle of mixed for each pot.
2. ZERO ( humic acid )
1/2 teaspoon : 1000 ml water ( mixed well )
half bottle of mixed for each pot.
3. BLACK JADE ( wood vinegar )
5ml : 1000 ml of water ( mixed well )
half bootle of mixed for each pot

COOKING TIME ( 2 weeks )

week 2-3
Amino Power 2ml : 1000 ml water ( half bottle for each pot )
wood vinegar 1.5ml: 1000ml water ( half bottle for each pot )
Zero ( humic acid ) 1/2 teaspoon : 1000 ml water ( half bottle for each pot )
week 5-6
1/4 tablet ( Nirvana flowertabs )
week 6-7
amino power : 1.5ml to 1000ml water ( half bottle )
1/4 tablet ( Nirvana flowertabs )
1 tablespoon of CAL+MAG
week 7-8
zero humic acid 1/2 teaspoon : 1000ml water ( half bottle )
1/4 tablet ( Nirvana flowertabs )
week 8-9
1/4 tablet ( Nirvana flowertabs )
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DAISO soil
I think I'd stick w/ 1/2 flower tab one week and 1/2 the next ... the surge of the proper nutrition at the beginning of flowering helps to develop bud sites and a tab will feed a bush for 4-6 weeks ... let's wait and see how the big one is doing when it shows sex ... the one in my most recent photos was fed a full tab all at once and it did a great job of feeding for 6 weeks ... I think your biggest could be as big (almost) at harvest ... how long a tab lasts depends a lot on how you water.