New Grower Organic Fert+Nirvana Flowertabs+4 Auto

This plant looked a lot like your biggest at 3 weeks ... about week 4 she was given a full Flower tab ... Bear in mind it was grown w/ a very high quality LED and spring water ... :toke:
very nice plant you have grown there. i will be happy if i got 35 grams. you got 72 grams with flowertabs and good LED. sounds good to me.
yes you are right chester. these are the best plants ive ever grown in my life. ive grown only 3 times before.
very hard to find good fertilizer in my country. not like U.S.

so i have to put all local made fertilizer . there is no biobuzz. no foxfarm soil. nothing. cant find any fert all of you guys using in here. its hard for me. until last year cannot find any liquid fertilizer at any garden shop. now i found one liquid fert in the whole city. havent try yet. planning to try .

all people here usually use only compound chemical fert . funny.

lucky i can order flowertabs. until last year cannot order anything from internet. hehe.

at least getting better. . . i will update more pic tomorrow.

thx chester
I may be wrong but I think from now til flower time I would stick w/ the day 17 mix ...:toke:
mayb next month i will feed one more time . amino acid + molasses. . does flowertabs alone should be ok or should i feed amino acid 1 more time during flowering to boost Nitrogen.
Flower tabs should be sufficient ... but I would give them the day 17 mix w/ each watering til the Flower tab is deployed ... :headbang:
Next time you order from Nirvana pick up some soil tabs ... a half tab in a 3 gal pot is all it takes to grow a nice big bush ... soil can be the hard part but I'll bet if you posted links to what is available to you we'd find something that would work ... once you get the hang of it you'll be growing trees ...
DAY 23

Ak48 = 11"
autobomb = 9 "
super automatic sativa= 9 "
automaria2 = 6"
They look great ... I think about a week more before the first 1/2 of flower tab ... to maximize harvest you want to hold off on the flower nutes until it has stopped growing ... don't have to do them all at the same time.

Looking everything over I'd say you're doing great ... next time either use bigger pots or fill them completely w/ soil ... the soil you're using looks to be doing a good job. if you want to conserve your flower tabs 1/2 total may be enough for the smaller ones but I'd definitely give that big one two halves ...
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They look great ... I think about a week more before the first 1/2 of flower tab ... to maximize harvest you want to hold off on the flower nutes until it has stopped growing ... don't have to do them all at the same time.

Looking everything over I'd say you're doing great ... next time either use bigger pots or fill them completely w/ soil ... the soil you're using looks to be doing a good job. if you want to conserve your flower tabs 1/2 total may be enough for the smaller ones but I'd definitely give that big one two halves ...
thx chester. pls let me know when i need to put the flowertabs. ill be updating the pic every couple days.
im thinking to feed day17mix 1 more time in week 7-8 during flowering. i still not sure yet.
what if i put 1/4 tabs for 4 weeks . start from week5 up to week 8. so 1 full tab in 4 weeks. does it gonna work that way. what do u think about that.
pls advice me and thanks for ur time and helping me.
small one i will only feed 1/2 tab .