New Grower Organic Fert+Nirvana Flowertabs+4 Auto

DAY 67 autobomb
I think they look damned good ... I have a tough time telling their size but it looks like a lot of bud to me ... if they were mine I would go over each plant and carefully remove the dead leaves ... if it's green and firmly attached then it stays but if not you'll be getting ahead of the eventual trim you'll have to do ...
I think they look damned good ... I have a tough time telling their size but it looks like a lot of bud to me ... if they were mine I would go over each plant and carefully remove the dead leaves ... if it's green and firmly attached then it stays but if not you'll be getting ahead of the eventual trim you'll have to do ...
thx alot chester. i will so some trimming today
A very impressive crop ... There is a technique for drying that uses a brown paper grocery bag ... I don't use it, don't know how, but a lot of other's use it and prefer it ... the thread below should tell you anything you need to know about 'The Brown Bag Cure' ... might work better for you due to your space concerns ...
A very impressive crop ... There is a technique for drying that uses a brown paper grocery bag ... I don't use it, don't know how, but a lot of other's use it and prefer it ... the thread below should tell you anything you need to know about 'The Brown Bag Cure' ... might work better for you due to your space concerns ...
thx alot chester. mayb cupboard box will be easier for me. dunno where to get many paper bags. mostly here use plastic bag. thx again. i think one of the plant is very close to harvest. i will take some close bud shot i light feeding the plant with daiso 6-10-4 fert cuz one of the plant is light green again. look like nitrogen def. left side top plant which will take 3 more weeks to go. so i light feeding to 2 plants in the back. the one close to harvest didnt feed anything. look like 50% pistill already oragne. and abt 15% trichomes amber.
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