New Grower Organic Fert+Nirvana Flowertabs+4 Auto

Unless you have another space big enough to hang all 4 plants I'd suggest holding off on the next grow until these have dried ... cutting them off at the base and hanging upside down for a week is a trouble free way to dry compared to boxing them ... I usually box my harvests so I know. They may not be all at the exact same degree of done but that can allow you to decide whether you prefer early or late harvests ... if you're going to jar cure or jar store I think you'll need about 6 x 1/2 gal jars ...
k. mayb i will start next batch after i dried everything. let see wassup. so u want me to harvest all at same time. u think its better. yes i will cure in jar after i dried. gotta look for the jar also for curing.late harvest will give me more yield right. thx
We'll play it by ear on the harvest but one of the things most of us do is turn a simple task into a chore by trying to do too much at once ... the risk being screwing up what should be a great harvest of top shelf buds... my guess is you've got about enough bud to fill 6 half gallon wide mouth jars to cure and store, could be more ... hope your hygrometer is a good and trusted one and that it can fit inside a jar ... see what the rh is in the grow room when you have the lights off for a few hours

We'll play it by ear on the harvest but one of the things most of us do is turn a simple task into a chore by trying to do too much at once ... the risk being screwing up what should be a great harvest of top shelf buds... my guess is you've got about enough bud to fill 6 half gallon wide mouth jars to cure and store, could be more ... hope your hygrometer is a good and trusted one and that it can fit inside a jar ... see what the rh is in the grow room when you have the lights off for a few hours

i am not sure. if i can find the jar exactly like that mason jar.but i can find somethig which is air tight . i be happy if i will get 100 grams dried. k. so pls help me on the harvest time. i will take pic of my hygrometer. i hope its showing me correctly also. should i buy soiltab formy next grow. u insert soil tab since from day 4. right . thx chester.
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Some people use Tupperware instead of Glass jars but if you can, try to locate 1/2 gal Wide Mouthed glass jars ... they last forever and work great for curing. I can't be sure and there is still the potential to screw it up but I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised w/ your harvest. I like having Soil Tabs and Flower tabs at home available for use. I may not use them every grow because some I start w/o Soil tabs and finish w/ Flower tabs and some I grow w/ Soil tabs and finish w/o a Flower tab but as you can see, both the Soil and Flower tabs work ... having said that, the Veg cycle of your current grow was practically flawless ... whatever you did on this grow would be great to duplicate changing only to a larger pot and a full Flower tab when you first used them (or two halves inserted about 10 days apart) ...

Some people have perfect environmental conditions for curing but it's almost impossible to judge the rh w/o a hygrometer ... for example if the air in your drying space is 60% or a little higher and stays there during the dry and cure period you have nearly perfect conditions. But if 1/2 thru, the rh has dropped to 30% and you don't know it, your crop can suffer by over drying ... the period from harvest to dry enough to leave in jars is only about 2 weeks ... the plant that I harvested and cured for my friend was a perfect example of importance of knowing your rh ... the first two or three days the house's rh was about 30% which is fine when the plants are freshly harvested ... as it dried the rh in the house kept increasing until just before time to chop the plant into buds the rh was about 60% ... at 58-65%, as long as there is no air moving the weed can hang in the dark for days w/o fear of over drying ... w/o moving air the weed's rh won't drop below the local environment's (room) rh ... moving air changes that dramatically . I think lightly feeding them until there is a solid change in the color of the majority of their pistils is your best course of action at this time.
Some people use Tupperware instead of Glass jars but if you can, try to locate 1/2 gal Wide Mouthed glass jars ... they last forever and work great for curing. I can't be sure and there is still the potential to screw it up but I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised w/ your harvest. I like having Soil Tabs and Flower tabs at home available for use. I may not use them every grow because some I start w/o Soil tabs and finish w/ Flower tabs and some I grow w/ Soil tabs and finish w/o a Flower tab but as you can see, both the Soil and Flower tabs work ... having said that, the Veg cycle of your current grow was practically flawless ... whatever you did on this grow would be great to duplicate changing only to a larger pot and a full Flower tab when you first used them (or two halves inserted about 10 days apart) ...

Some people have perfect environmental conditions for curing but it's almost impossible to judge the rh w/o a hygrometer ... for example if the air in your drying space is 60% or a little higher and stays there during the dry and cure period you have nearly perfect conditions. But if 1/2 thru, the rh has dropped to 30% and you don't know it, your crop can suffer by over drying ... the period from harvest to dry enough to leave in jars is only about 2 weeks ... the plant that I harvested and cured for my friend was a perfect example of importance of knowing your rh ... the first two or three days the house's rh was about 30% which is fine when the plants are freshly harvested ... as it dried the rh in the house kept increasing until just before time to chop the plant into buds the rh was about 60% ... at 58-65%, as long as there is no air moving the weed can hang in the dark for days w/o fear of over drying ... w/o moving air the weed's rh won't drop below the local environment's (room) rh ... moving air changes that dramatically . I think lightly feeding them until there is a solid change in the color of the majority of their pistils is your best course of action at this time.
k. thanks chester. i dunno where i can dry. what abt outdoor garage. environment will be outside cuz the door for the garage is open space. now rainy season. dunno rh% yet. mayb around 60% to 80%. can i dry in there but there will be air movement cuz kindda like outdoor . what about the temperature for drying .
70-80* is best temperatures for drying ... lack of a drying space is one reason you may be better off harvesting them all at once and hanging them in your grow room ... probably don't want to do open garage if only for security reasons ... otherwise a dark open garage w/o a breeze, 70-80* and around 60% rh would be fine for drying ... one fun part of growing is when you get to the end of a grow and realize you've produced so much bud that you now have space problems ... if it were me I would probably harvest all the same time, hang them in your grow room and keep life simple for yourself otherwise you run the risk of losing all or part of what looks to be a pretty good crop of buds ...
bottom pic. autobomb is swelling up now. how long does it gonna take more 2 weeks. some trichomes on the leaf are already amber. so i have to wait for all the trichomes on the buds until 50% amber right. i think trichomes on the calyx still some white. dunno how long to take more.
i will chexk tomorrow where i can do the drying. thx chester
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I'm thinking about 3 more weeks ... I know it's hard to wait but the next 4-6 weeks of grow and harvest and dry and cure are some of the most important weeks of the grow ... they look good.