Optic Foliar interview 22nd Sept 2107

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@opticfoliar any chance of getting an Australian distributor? or can you recommend one that can ship here without it costing 3 times the price of the product? lol would love to give your stuff a try over here.
also is there a schedule we should follow when using your spray?

I am working on extending our distribution network to countries like OZ ( beautiful country btw) ( Love the seafood!!!)
however at the time, nothing concrete. I do have a intro pack going to a distributor in oz, however they need time to review and hopefully sign up to carry our products. follow us on FB and IG as we always announce new distributors.

cheapest cost and shipping would be here in canada and yes expensive. email me and I can see if we can find some options for you dinesh@opticfoliar.com
Lol i knew it haha i haveng seen a small one of those yet. I got a bunch of dp autos, my ultimatr and durban are 4 and 5 days man im excited. The photo Euforia is thr best weed ive ever smoked, its called Euforia for a reason

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yeah i doubt ill ever grow anything other than dp. im partly retiring in a few weeks but passing my gear on to a friend. gonna try for a monster photo in nothing but horse poo and lime. see if i can recreate what greenskell does but indoors. seems like an unlikely target to hit but so did my current venture when i started growing 5 months ago : )
go hard or go home an all that lol.
What are you smokin @opticfoliar ?

well its still morning here so not smoking for a few hours...gotta get some work done first :coffee2:

but currently I have some : comatose, green crack and what looks like some tango . I prefer and mostly smoke indica's

i always need at least 3-4 types around as I love variety
Yes we do incorporate silica, however I always, always , always.......did I mention ALWAYS recommend a silica to be used in the root zone as well.
Thanks, yes I am a big fan of silica.
Another question, is there any particular spray bottle you recommend? It's my understanding that the finer the spray the better the plants absorb nutrients.
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