Optic Foliar interview 22nd Sept 2107

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@opticfoliar sometimes guests can get swamped with the questions getting fired thick and fast. Your a handling it like a pro!

You already answered a question i had in mind- a lot of growers autoflower growers especially come across calcium and magnesium deficiencies. A foliar can be a great way to get the nutrients to the plant fast.
But i see you mention ypur product already has Ca and Mg - is that in the overgrow?
If so do you advice using less calmag suppliment
P.S. what do you think about spraying roots with it . :biggrin:

do not recommend. only our atak product can be used in the root zone as it kills pythium root rot as well as killing pm on the leaves. outside of that , only spray the leaves.

I want to be able to provide guaranteed results and we do that with foliar. I choose not to make tank additives as there are more than enough on the market and I dont like making copy cat products that are already widely available.
Hi dinesh I love your range of foliar sprays and have had great results using them!
What i would like to ask is are you working on any new products be they foliar or other wise!
No, not relevant any one will work.
Atomizers, foggers, etc were all made with the concept that the smaller, the water molecule particle, the greater the absorption. they do not guarantee absorbtion, or delivery. all they provide is a smaller finer spray....again to " allow for greater penetration"

the wording on these products are important, they allow or provide, however they do not guarantee delivery....and this is important as for a foliar spray to be effective it needs to get to the palisade mesophyll layer of the leaf.


if a foliar spray is not able to get to this factory within the plant it really doesnt matter how small or fine the spray molecule is, its not getting in or used by the plant.
Thanks that too was my understanding, as the stomata primary function is allowing oxygen and c0² nutrient absorbtion secondary. I know there's a big debate on that as well.
How do your products affect the stomata?
Hi dinesh I love your range of foliar sprays and have had great results using them!
What i would like to ask is are you working on any new products be they foliar or other wise!
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