Opinions on what to do?

Jun 26, 2022
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So, since it's illegal to grow weed in my country and I have probably a week or so to finish my project and the stress is really starting to hit hard... What would you do? I would love to see this through and everything is going so well, my best grow ever but at the same time feeling really paranoid and anxious. Should I just cut them down and accept the dissapointment?
Thank you for the helpful opinions 🙏🏻
I guess let em' run and do a real stealthy harvest. Do you have a trail camera? You could check and make sure no one is coming by and looking around. Maybe harvest at night into a big bag and run the heck outta there. Good luck man!

If I was really worried, I'd leave em. Better safe than sorry. You can always grow another plant but not if you're locked up.
I guess let em' run and do a real stealthy harvest. Do you have a trail camera? You could check and make sure no one is coming by and looking around. Maybe harvest at night into a big bag and run the heck outta there. Good luck man!

If I was really worried, I'd leave em. Better safe than sorry. You can always grow another plant but not if you're locked up.
Thanks! I could use some good luck for a change. And I've been a good girl so I deserve it 🫣

Maybe I'll just go day by day and see if something changes. Nevertheless I've exceeded my expectations already, should be grateful for that.
Just run with it i know the feeling of worry as i am in uk but nothing ventured nothing gained is my moto
I’d let them finish, and like @Entombed said, harvest at night. Gotta be stealthy. Don’t know where you are but a large frame backpack and a garbage bag work for stowing. I used to guerilla grow when it was illegal here. Keep to wooded areas and hide when lights appear on roads. It’ll be stressful but the prize is sooooo worth it!