Mephisto Genetics Operation SODK x Alien

Day 21
I really really like that double header.
Give the plant to me and I'll strip it clean except for those two.
How about braiding them. You know, for a laugh

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I would definatley braid them if I wasn't scared of bud rot lol but my humidity is 65+ so that's a no no haha I can't have them rubbing and sweating
Day 25, she's growing abou a half an inch a day. She now sits at 12 inches tall. Probably in the next week or so I'll give her bloom nutes to stall vertical growth. I'll let her get a little taller but I don't want a 36 inch beast lol. I'll see how it goes she's shooting pistils out everywhere so it won't be long before she's in bloom anyway. She's a little bit of a lanky women but that's okay. They can't all be short and stocky.
See and there you was worrying about her being small lol, looking great pal and nice healthy looking young lady.
Another 2 1/2 inches over night she is now 16 inches tall. It's all stretch though. If she keeps going at this rate I'll have to cut her head off! She's a tall lanky little girl. I'm used to the short and stalky plants. Lanky plants make me feel like the light isn't adequate but their is plenty of light. Anyway she's starting the first stages of flower so Maybee she will slow down next week. It just blows my mind how much she's grown in 6 days. If you look at day 21 pictures to today (day 27) it looks like a whole different plant. I still can't tell if she's more SODK or more Ripleys. I forgot to mention her fan leaves are huge, they may not look it but they're big.



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