Old Reviews Ona Breeze for odor control WOW!

I thought about that, would probably be more efficient and just as cheap in the long run. How long does the ona last?

When you use the Ona fan with the gel it doesn't last that long. 1 gallon maybe 2 weeks or so. I did the friend test with both, the filters won and the Ona lost.

do you just setup your extra fan filter in the room your watering in rob?

Yup. My tents are in my "office", I just have the extra fan/filter sitting on a table. I also need a little extra protection during the last week or two before harvest and drying. It does the job very well, along with the other fans and filters. :smokebuds:
i think what a lot of people dont realize is that when your exhausting to an attic or outside you need to go to the attic to tell if it realy smells or not , and also , when you live in the stench you yourself dont smell it after even a short ammount of time

i run filters and masking agents and when ppl come to visit me they claim to smell it at the street (15 ft away from the house) , and i DONT exhaust to the attic or outside at all

please for everyone here and your own safety dont assume everything is fine simply because you yourself dont smell it

peace :cool:

Agreed - I am also thinking, how long is a filter good for? It may be worth swapping one each year or year and a half? When I come home from work all day and come in through the door, I know I don't smell a thing . Heres another thought - If you are not making a perfect seal between the filter, to the fan and out, I can see there may be odors-

I made sure to seal the sh*t out of mine, maybe Im lucky? I don't know - How is one to know when it starts losing its effectiveness? Im going to go check what Phresh rates them for- Which may give me skewed info as they want me to buy more of course!

I also am thinking that there is a difference in the quality that goes hand in hand with the price of filters- I will add that I have 2 ONA block pro jars, one in the living room , one in the bedroom, as an added measure, I love the clean smell (blue can)
I think they have about a 16 month rating and I also believe that is at 24 hours a day run. I could be off. I have a Phat filter, which are the cheaper ones made by Phresh, and it works great. I have only had a few plants at one time, but still. I almost decided to get some Ona gel for my new grow, but decided against it and just hooked up my inline fan and filter. :D
An older thread but I'd like to chime in and say that my 4x12 rhino filter hooked up to my s&p td-100xs kills it. No smell at all. And it was pretty stink of canna b4 I set it up. Also, I've seen Jose active air ones what pieces of crap. Sooo heavy and terrible ratings. My LHS tried to tell me I needed two of their "small" ones, or one big one. The small one was over 20 pounds skinny and long. And rated for only 50cfm. I told them I'd do some shoppin around first. Found a rhino filter at a shop out of town, and wow. 200cfm. Smaller, and way lighter. And comes with a flange.

This combo works great for my dr80. I'd prob use the same setup on the next size bigger tent.
Pro filters Phresh and Can are names I know...
Can't go wrong with either of these. :thumbs:
i agree .... Or you can also try an Ozone genarator. My :2cents:
found on ebay
Just ordered 2 for myself to use along with my carbon filter

Just thought i would add my 2 Pasoes Was reading and it says those are bad and you need a long time for them to do anything....dont know if its true just info from the EPA :) .. http://www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/ozonegen.html
You can DIY ONA by getting water absorbing polymers, Then mix in somthing strong smelling. (Potpourri?)

I like the little airwick metered sprays.
Couple I them on high is almost to strong for a small room.
Has anyone tried the new airwick's with a builtin fan & carbon filter? I am thinking about buying one for a small closet grow on my Mi5 seedlings.