Old Reviews Ona Breeze for odor control WOW!


Dec 28, 2011
Reaction score
Haven't seen any postings about this so I thought I'd share this with the family :D.

This is the ona Breeze. It's a two speed fan that sits right on top of a 1 gallon ona gel bucket. It blows are down onto the gel and then out of the bucket. It also fits a smaller size ona gel container as well.




I live in a small house and I have always had issues with the dank smell coming out of my grow area and smelling up the entire house. I'm in a non-friendly state so stealth is top priority and now I can honestly say that my smell is no longer an issue. At all.

I have two of these bad boys. One in my grow area right underneath the exhaust for my window AC unit on low. This takes care of the entire room and the back half of my house.

The other one is in the front room of my home taking care of the front of the house. I don't even turn this one on all the time, only on nice days when I feel like opening a few windows or if I'm expecting company.

I also use carbon filters on all of my tents but those alone are just not cutting it. Bottom line is that it works really well along with the carbon filters. No smell.

The price varies. I found mine for $35 a piece but I've seen them as high as $60 so do some research for the best price. I just did a google search to find the best price.

I hope this helps in the ongoing battle of odor control.
Very solid product.

you need new carbon filter then carbon works 100% the good reputable company's...

ONA is a masking agent, I can smell a good grow over the ona...

ONA is not so good for your air quality, your bathing your house air in chems, and your lungs.:2cents:

For a harvest...yes.... to live in no...IMO
Thank you for your input cres. Do you have a recommendation on a good brand of carbon filters? Mine help for sure but they don't eliminate anything.
All of my carbon filters are from Gotham except for one and it says "Active Air" on it. Everyday is a harvest around these parts :D
Rhino filters are reputed to be top of the line! I got one myself and get absolute zero smell. Though I do exhaust out a vent to the roof, I am always amazed when I open my tent. The smell just hits me!
Rhino filters are reputed to be top of the line! I got one myself and get absolute zero smell. Though I do exhaust out a vent to the roof, I am always amazed when I open my tent. The smell just hits me!

i agree .... Or you can also try an Ozone genarator. My :2cents:
found on ebay
Just ordered 2 for myself to use along with my carbon filter

I keep a bottle of ona open in my tent but also have a carbon filter. I bought one off www.htgsupply.com if you live in the states. Not the best but Ive never had a issue. A combo of both is excellent.

Good deal for 35 bucks though I will be searching for one!
If your going with the carbon filter get one that does not use burnt coconut fiber/shell should be 100% carbon from coal.

i use the ona product--it works good for me with no noise!!!i also have a few plants for smell also--a lemon smelling bush and a few lavenderplants and sage plant around yard--if in the house just use flower pots for sage--lavender--lemon etc!!!
Thank you for your input cres. Do you have a recommendation on a good brand of carbon filters? Mine help for sure but they don't eliminate anything.
All of my carbon filters are from Gotham except for one and it says "Active Air" on it. Everyday is a harvest around these parts :D

I'm sure Gotham sells a good filter brand name... Pro filters Phresh and Can are names I know... I do know the no name brand from HTG are junk, I have 2 of them that have never worked...big ones.
Im sitting right next to my tent...got a muffler on my fan and some towels hardly hear a thing really. Outside the room nothing. :)