twenty20 Ogre in the Greenhouse

Weather is still shit. And of course a bug found it’s way safely into the warm greenhouse. And to top it off while searching there are these two small black flea like bugs jumping leaf to leaf that I can’t seem to kill. Cue yellow sticky traps. Hopefully not little spider mites? No experience

clearest shot of the little buggers I could get. Visible on the lower shaded leaf near the purple tomato cage, small black dot
I've used captain jacks neem oil with good success in my tent. Smells terrible but it's organic.
Two spots under watch, low temps might have pushed her to herm. Or I’m over analyzing and it’s one of those little sucker branches starting or even female flowers. The little white dot in this photo

Or this preflower

the growing tips are 100% throwing pistils so maybe it is just really immature female preflowers:pop: