New Grower OG Kush reg

Day 25 and they both seem to be handling the transplant and top and fim handed out to them.

So today fim started Lst.
Both watered 1 Liter water.
Noticed a couple of tips on the 9 point leaf clawing on fim.
Hoping it was some wind burn.

Top got a rest from my evil hands today.
Tomorrow may be a different story.
4 weeks old and growing well.
Both plants have discoloring on a couple leaves each.
Starts with new leaves,but doesn't really get any worse.

Finally gave them some ph water at 6.4.

Fim still growing a little faster than top.


Top got some Lst a few days ago
Day 29 and both growing well.
Increased light to 90% and will go up the final 2 notches the next 2 days.
Bottom fed both to see how quickly it would get sucked up.
First 500ml took under 2 minutes.
Next 500ml took 40mins.

Cut the center fan leaf off both plants to open up the middle.

Looked back on my first grow to see what I was doing at this stage.
Lol couldn't keep my hands of her it seems.
Was pulling leaves off everyday for a week.
Let's see if I settle down this time with some major Litfa

Hoping to switch to 12/12 this week.
Temps will rise,and the way they are growing I have to remember my limited height in tent.



Day 30 with just some Lst adjustments on fim and increased light to 100% preparing for the 12/12 switch.
Fim really growing nicely.
Resisted the urge twice to cut off a fan leaf. Eventually gave the stem a little twist and a leaf tuck.
Top is a little slower strutting those big ass fan leaves.So far have only bent the stem over.
With the growth of fim I may not train top much at all.





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Day 31 and fim and top continue on their merry way.
Fed each 1 Liter water and some Lst adjustments.
Wasn't totally happy with my Lst attempts the first grow.
Got a few branches I wanted to move in a different direction,so I used 12 inch skewer sticks to redirect.
I seem to manhandle the duck out of these plants when I start tying.
Also used it on a fan leaf so I wouldn't cut it off.
Don't know what I am going to do with that mess where I fimmed.

Top really hasn't needed much.
Tomorrow will probably get a small tie down for the last full day of light and then 12/12





Day 32 and 12 hours away from 12/12 schedule.
Going to be weird waiting until 9pm to manhandle them.

Both pots felt light and got 1 Liter water with molasses for the soil.
Top got some extra Lst and fim got some more adjustments.

A different mindset for this grow has me looking at ways to save a leaf instead of cutting it off.

I know shit is just around the corner, either high temps or the famous nls rust spots.
With that in mind I want these plants at their best when adversity comes their way.
The last grow during stretch I think the plant was too busy recovering from me plucking leaves all the time and a little under watered.

Day 33 and they started 12/12 cycle.
Humidity at lights out got up to 76%
With a warm day outside was able to keep tent under 80f
Last night I noticed some new top leaves had yellow tips on fim.
Light is 20 inches away, don't think it is from the light.
Wait and see I guess.
Tied down some more branches
Looking to keep the stretch under 10 inches.

Day 35 and the temp outside got up to 83f.
Tent had lights off and temp got up to 80f.
The highest temp with lights on was 79.
Question is what happens when lights off temp is higher than lights on.
I see lots of discussion about temp drops but not temp increases when the lights go off.

They also endured humidity at 78.4%.
Going to have to defol to help with humidity at some point.

I expect these numbers over the next 4 days.
Guess we will see what happens in these conditions.

As expected they were nice and thirsty and fed 1 Liter water.

Still some yellow tips showing on a few leaves.