And this is only my third run and I agree with above looks like over-watering to me I have one that's everyone right now a blue mammoth I'll go to take a pic of it I'm not going to water this sucker for a while the blue dreams and the grape marutas autoflower can handle the water and feeding schedule some strains can't first pick is the Blue Mammoth the second pic is the Grape marutas autoflower if you notice the Blue Mammoth got all those droopy leaves green stems beautiful green leaves but I have over watered it you'll get the hang of it autoflowers some strains don't like a lot of water I have only found very few strains that can handle a regular feeding schedule like a regular plant and that's usually when they get into flower when they're sucking up the juice but you can see the Blue Mammoth is in its second week of flower and because I over watered it she come to a stop so now I gotta fix it you can fix it too