Nympho, my Angel

Dec 14, 2015
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Currently Smoking
MBS mind body & soul
The medical aspects of cannabis is often overshadowed by by debates about thc, cbd and other terpenoids percentage numbers. I see daily posts about how good it is, how much it yields. With so much discussion about cannabis, I rarely see anyone talking about what a strains does, besides getting them high. Well here is just a few of the Nympho’s contributions to the cannabis community.
Just 2 days ago I got a call about a lady with such sever nerve pain, that she had to be carried around. After seeing her doctor, who offered no help or explanation, she was left wondering what to do next. 1 gram of Nympho’s powerful medicine had her walking on her own in less than 24 hours.
Early this summer, the Nympho encountered a lady that had multiple sclerosis and had been bed ridden for 3 years. With less than 2 grams used over a period of 10 days, the patient was out the bed and doing minor chores around the house. 21 days later she was riding an exercise bicycle and going shopping.
The Nympho tangled with a severe case of glaucoma. A specialist guaranteed that the patient would be blind in just a few years. After using the Nympho this patient eye pressure was so low that the specialist ask How were their eyes being treated. Telling the specialist about the nympho prompted her to do a study on this patients eyes with the suggestions that they don’t not stop using the nympho. And the specialist asks cold they use this situation in a report to other specialist in the field.
The Nympho has treated other conditions such as arthritis, migraines. Psychological issues such as anxiety, depression, mild dementia. Sexual gratification come with ease while using the nympho. Women who have had hysterectomies report that the nympho help women fell like women again.
The nympho helped a patient who was had just succumbed to covid-19 get back to their feet in less than 2 hours. The sickness fell on them quickly as he day progressed. By late that even covid had left this patient in a deep sweat passed out on their bed. After a special remedy made with nympho cannabis, this patient was alert and back on their feet in a couple of hours. The mixture was consumed 3x a day for the next few days. This patient was back to normal without the lingering effects that offend plague most covid victims in less than 5 days.
I have friends who battle with addictions such as the white lady, the white girl among the countless others. The nympho helps them with this battles and most overcome their addiction.
I can go on forever about the positive work the Nympho does in my community. Just as many tell how it makes them feel, it’s also makes me feel good knowing The Nympho also help users feel so much younger and so much like themselves aging.
Just as her name implies, the Nympho may be too much for some. Her medicine is very very potent. Her designed was to prevent patients from having to smoke so much to get the full medical benefits of the Nympho. This works well for the non smokers. Seasoned smokers, on the other hand will easily consume too much. After just a few hits, it’s easily to see why she is named Nympho. For my family, the Nympho is a God send. I get to witness the help she does on a daily. For that I lover her.
Nice buds and plant! I witness every day the pain relief and other benefits from my farming.