Indoor Nutrient Comparison Experiment - AN, Earthjuice, EJ Marine, Neptunes, DynaGro, BioCanna, General Org


There is a vast amount of recorded information involved with these tests. Each test has write ups and research more involved than this thread alone. Numbers do not give all the important information in my opinion. My favorite product did not come from the cycle with the largest plants for example. Nor did the largest producer result in the most potent weed. Our job is to provide essential nutrients at appropriate times to ensure that growth will succeed properly. In these large comparison tests it's very easy to loose focus. Many times, as I analyzed results I would choose a new favorite. Huge fan leaves, larger plants and beautiful color often dictate which plant we find most attractive and many of us choose our program based on primarily aesthetics. Beautiful, full, mid flowering growth does not always ensure an excellent, potent harvest, or a heavy one. Listing numbers displaying growth surges throughout the weekly observements will take to much time. My goal remember was to ultimately design a nutrient schedule that provided understood ingredients that better fed the plants for steady, healthy and predictable growth. I think these are important aspects of nutrient application. Understanding how ingredients react with soil substrates and root systems will increase your ability to better diagnose problems and identify proper application timing. Steady growth ensures plants will not demand excessive, specific nutrients creating various deficiencies. Think of nutrients in terms of how much is needed during the plants entire cycle and apply a portion of that amount at the appropriate time. This is very helpful in determining nutrient strength for individual feedings, and will develop consistent and predictable growth rates. It also will give you more general control in customizing your schedule. You can add a flush mid cycle for example, splitting those missed nutes accordingly throughout your schedule.

Weekly recorded data demonstrated some important information. First, lets quickly look at some general differences between the organic schedules and synthetic/chemically based tests. Organic growth was generally slower to begin. This is due to the fact that growing the microbial life needed to properly supply the plant will take some time to establish. This microbial life leads to extremely healthy roots. The organic schedules always produced larger root systems first, then followed with solid plant growth. They were typically bushier than chemicals and had much steadier growth. The organic substrate retained more nutrient availability as the microbial life continued providing food days after application. In flowering (12/12) these schedules differed in some noticeable ways. The organics had slower growth again but earlier preflowers in all tests. Buds were slower to fully develop but stickier, smellier and more swollen by harvest. Trichromes developed later in the 12/12 and seemed to frost not just primary bud sites but surrounding leaves. Plants took on a typically droopier, more lime green appearance.

The chemical/synthetics had very deliberate growth in Veg. Results were more instant and the plants grew quickly. Root systems were smaller, they had no need to search and react with soil bound nutes therefore could maintain a smaller size. Plants concentrated on specific branches and had less secondary growth. Larger fan leaves developed on typically stiffer stemmed plants. I frequently referred to them as "woodier" in appearance. Plants were taller in all synthetic tests. Synthetics had quick surges of growth within a day or two of being fed. In flowering, these plants stayed deep green late into the cycle. Bud sites were very defined and typically more compact than organics. Upper leaves and bud leaves were more pointed and stayed very rigid. Crystalization was evident earlier and concentrated more around bud sites. In later flowering, trichromes developed along associated leaf edges and were very defined. I found additional Magnesium and Calcium made substantial improvements with bud growth generally and actually improved individual plant harvests when applied. They took on a spicier scent and flavor, and never quite had the sweeter, putrid odor associated with the organics. Chemical/Synthetic based nutrients frequently provide low " Brix " levels. Brix is essentially a measure of sugar/carbohydrate levels in the plant. A higher Brix number typically produces more flavorful and healthy plants.

The following is a list off production numbers and cost per gram. It does not dictate which I found best :
(I'm still adding up the cost per gram)

Test 1 EarthJuice 0.75 gpw
Test 2 Marine based 0.67 gpw
Test 3 Earthjuice/Marine 0.69 gpw
Test 4 Foxfarm 0.71 gpw
Test 5 Advanced Nutreints 0.80 gpw
Test 6 Dynagro 0.67 gpw
Test 7 Bio-Canna 0.73 gpw
Test 8 General Organics 0.70 gpw

Largest main stock circumference Earthjuice/Marine treated with Hygrozyme @ 2.25 inches circumference
Largest overall width Bio-Canna treated with Pirahna @ 38" wide diameter
Tallest Plant Dynagro treated with Mega Gro @ 47" +/-
Tallest avg group Marine based test 2 @ 45" +/-
Best avg resin production Earthjuice Test 1 - avg 10 rating
Best avg crystallization Earthjuice Test 1 - avg 10 rating
Best average color rating Bio-Canna Test 7 - avg 9.5 rating
Best over-all structure (remained the same through-out) Bio-Canna Test 7
Most vigorous vegetative cycle Marine based Test 2
Most vigorous flowering growth Advanced Nutreints Test 5
Stinkiest bud odor Earthjuice Test 1
Best average root structure rating Bio-Canna
Nicest aesthetics of final product Earthjuice Test 1
Nicest taste of final product Earthjuice Test 1
Most potent smoke rating Earthjuice Test 1/ Bio-Canna Test 7
Remember production can only properly be measured in grams per watt or grams per lumen. Light intensity, environmental control and nutrient availability all are major factors in this. More importantly many strains will only produce a certain amount rarely surpassing they're maximum. Keeping all that in mind, when one plant produced tremendously another typically produced less than par. These production results were similar with the same strain as seen above with all tests. Any popular nutrient company usually supplies the proper nutrients to reach maximum production levels when properly applied. Quality is another aspect altogether. That is where real ingredient effectiveness is defined. Things like overall plant width and height proved relatively irrelevant. In the densely packed indoor grow room most plants received similar space restrictions. The tallest average plants being Test 2 produced less than average in-fact. Also some Tests had high average numbers but not winning numbers. All had high quality herb - some just better than others. All these tests were monitored closely with special attention to pH and Brix levels. Nutritious plants will lead to higher quality smoke. Maybe not heavier production but absolutely higher quality. Managing a living indoor substrate is difficult to master, step one is learning how it all works. When deciding on my personal favorite test I compared numerical results and averaged all opinion based ratings. I scrutinized all my recorded information and developed many different perspectives on general Marijuana growth. Not only did I learn about specific nutrient/medium interaction but these tests also revealed consistent results regardless of applications. I have all the schedules available but decided to save the space on the read. Feel free to ask and I can provide them.
My favorites:

Earth Juice Test 1 - Bio-Canna Test 7 - Advanced Nutrients Test 5 - General Organics Test 8 - Earth Juice/Marine Test 3 - Fox Farm Test 4 - Marine based Test 2 - Dyna Gro Test 6

I find when taking gardening courses or researching the subject most times I walk away only learning a few new things from the many. Over time these few add up. I hope you walked away with a few new ideas. As a result of this report I developed an Earth Juice Based cycle with additives (Hygrozyme + Hi-Brix Molasses) that work wonders for my situation. I have tons of info on all these products and will be more than happy to help with more specific situations. This particular study was completed some time ago but I've only recently compiled this report. I urge all of you to do similar studies. If you've read this far I can't imagine it's not something that interests you. Researching nutrients and plant growth has taught me an incredible amount of information - specifically things I'm interested in. Until recent history, more time, money and research has gone into making Cannabis illegal and into the persecution of those of us who realize it's benefits. We are the pioneers here, many of risking freedom and security to grow this amazing plant. Our time, money and research is fighting back daily. As the great Ben Franklin said, " We all must hang together , or surly we will hang separately." Things are changing people and many of us have a chance to change with it. Marijuana deserves the attention were giving it - it truly could change the world we live in. I can't thank you enough for reading my thread and look forward to providing information in the future. I'm currently working on some stuff so keep an eye out. Finding my Pheno - Insect identification and management - Nutrient deficiencies - Microbial soil life - Growing Theory and Commercial production methods are all on the way......................Remember stick to the theory of " simple diversity". Do not over complicate your nutrients. A diverse mixture of simple, raw ingredients will promote natural, nutritious growth - best of luck

Here are the schedules I used and the final Earthjuice schedule I use today as a result of this test. I also included a cost per cycle. I broke each solution into $ per ml and did the math. This could vary if you get better deals on nutes of course but they apply in this test. There is no included schedule for Advanced Nutrients or Bio Canna as I used the manufacturers recommendations.

Test 1 = Earthjuice full line :

$30.50 per cycle or $0.04 per gram produced
-------------Catalyst--------Micro---------Grow---------Bloom-------Meta K

week1 veg-----5ml----------5ml-----------5ml
week2 veg----10ml----------5ml-----------5ml
week3 veg----10ml----------5ml-----------10ml
week4 veg----10ml----------5ml-----------10ml
week5 flower--10ml----------5ml-----------10ml-----------5ml---------2.5ml
week6 flower--10ml----------5ml-----------10ml---------10ml----------2.5ml
week7 flower--10ml----------5ml-----------10ml---------10ml---------2.5ml
week8 flower--5ml-----------5ml-----------15ml---------15ml---------2.5ml
week9 flower--5ml-----------5ml-----------15ml--------20ml---------2.5ml
week10flwer----------------5ml-----------10ml-------- 25ml---------2.5ml
week12 FLUSH

Repeat week 3 for veg or 10 for flower extension

Test 2 = Marine Based Nutes :

$34.00 per cycle or $0.05 per gram produced

(I recommend a bloom booster for the following cycle)

---------------Alaska Fish----------N. H.-----N. H. fish--------N. H. Seawd--------N. H.
---------------Fertilizer----------Fish Fert---+Seawd--------------------------Crab Shell

week4 veg------5.0ml

Repeat week 4 for veg or week 10 for flower extension

Test 3 = Earth Juice/ Marine based nutes

$17.50 per cycle or $0.03 per gram produced

---------------Alaska--------N.H.Fish-----N.H.---E.J. Bloom--E.J. Cat----E.J. Micro
--------------Fish Fert--------Fert------Seawd

week3veg------2.5 ml-------2.5ml---------------------------5.0ml-------2.5ml

repeat week 4 for veg and week 10 for flwr extension

Test 4 Foxfarm full line

$49.00 per cycle or $0.07 per gram produced ( $0.04 per gram without additional solubles)

---------------Grow Big---Tiger Bloom--Big Bloom--Open Sesame--Beastie Bloom-Cha Ching


repeat week 4 for veg or week 12 for flower extension

EDIT : WEEK 3 should be repeated for extended veg. My apologies (1/27/10) - thanks Legalize Freedom

Test 5 Advanced Nutrients

See the website for application recommendations. I couldn't find the price sheet from this section of research.

Test 6 Dynagro

$17.00 per cycle or $0.03 per gram produced


week1veg--------2.5ml--------------------1/8 tsp
week2-4veg------5.0ml--------------------1/4 tsp
week5-7flwr-----------------5.0ml---------1/8 tsp
week8-10flwr----------------7.5ml---------1/8 tsp

Repeat week 2 for veg or week 8 for flwr extension

Test 7 Bio-Canna

$128.00 per cycle or $0.17 per gram produced

See Bio-Canna's website for application recommendations.

Test 8 General Organics

$32.00 per cycle or $0.04 per gram produced



repeat week 4 for veg or week 10 for flwr extension


8flwr------5.0ml--------5ml------------10ml---------15ml----------10ml------------7.5 ml

Hi-Brix (0-0-3) is made by Earth Juice. It is similar to Black-strap Molasses but contains more plant appropriate amino acids and plant extracts. I love the stuff. This cycle works excellent for me. These days I still use Pro-mix or Sunshine mix #4 for my medium. I add very few nutrients to the soil itself. I'll put a small hand full of worm castings in each 5 gallon pot and some Dolomite. I also add mycorrhiza to the soil at the transplant from 1 to 5 gallon pots. It is included already in the soiless mix however I find benefits from adding it non the less. Remember my schedules are only starting points. Your water supply alone could change results drastically. Earth juice specifically is notoriously poor at blending with RO filtered water. It tends to prefer harder water. I simply leave my tap water out for a few days and try to bubble air through it for 24 hours prior to mixing anything. I also pre-mix my grow separately and then add it to the solution - it can be fairly solid sometimes and needs some extra shaking up. The addition of Hi-Brix has been fantastic. Microbial life with this schedule does exceptional and the Hi-brix really helps feed the root zone. You'll notice that my overall application of the primary E.J. nutes was diminished with the addition of Hygrozyme. I think any isolated enzyme product would do.

As far as prices are concerned, I thought the results were interesting. FoxFarm for example is simply not as cheap as every one thinks. With the addition of the solubles it becomes more expensive than the majority of organics. Bio-Canna is expensive! - but the stuff is unique and effective. I also remember Advanced Nutrients being quite pricey but I'll refrain from calling them out until I do the math. I also thought it's interesting that blending Marine nutes with Earth Juice created a real cheap application. Knowing what your feeding your plants not only helps in predictability and successful harvests but can save you money also.
While this is a test done with photoperiod plants, I feel that it is still useful knowledge for our autoflowering friends! Best of luck and hope this helps when choosing your nutrients!
I read this same info a few weeks ago and was intrigued on reading the whole article because I'm currently using earth juice...basically ej is the ish!
Im using the FF Trio right now with some other additives. Im definitely switching to ej next crop. The only downfall i can see is having to bubble the mix for a day or two before use.
Thank you very much. Myself i just use a sterilised soilless sealed medium(1 part peat-moss, 1 part vermiculite, 1 part perlite and a little dola lime that keeps it ph perfect). With zero nutrients and fertilisers to start with and thus starting with zero nutrients i find it easy to feed my autos without nute problems. I just feed em 5-10-5 and after 2 weeks flowering i feed em 5-20-5 (making sure that the feed contains the trace elements, boron,zinc,calcium,copper,manganese, magnesium,sulphur,iron and molybdenum). That, together with a perfect water ph, soil ph, humidity, temperature, regular hygiene misting n bug inspections, a good light set-up, well timed double flushing, and a good flush 24 hours before i pull em, followed by a perfect dry n cure i'm doing ok. However, your excellent posting here regarding different food regimes and technical data to boot has happily shaken me up a bit and i'm sure my yields will improve eventually as i will certainly now be up to experimenting more with nutes. Again, thank you very much indeed for your excellent posting.
I found this on another site and thought it was pretty informative. Long read but definitely worth it!

The following is a comprehensive, independent comparison of 8 various nutrient applications and my experiences with them. As I make a living growing medicinal marijuana, quality production, efficiency and price were all taken into consideration. Some products out there are painfully expensive and claim results beyond compare. As many companies still haven't fully immersed themselves in the "marijuana community" it's hard to trust the nute schedules they offer or results they claim in relationship to cannabis. There are obvious exceptions, Advanced Nutrients and Humboldt to name a few but the majority hide behind tomatoes and fruit - that's another issue unto itself. This Aspect however, led me to develop a program that worked for my marijuana strain and me. That idea alone is important to grasp. In nutrient, plant and grower compatibility I believe many things need consideration. Through numerous head to head testing and numerical comparisons I've eliminated some products and discovered an understanding of nutes and more importantly, they're ingredient's.

Under the right conditions and depending on it's stage Marijuana absorbs a maximum amount of each nute it needs. This "amount" is based on a variety of aspects including size, strain, mediums and calculated typically through a parts per million count (ppm). These parts per million represent literally how many "nutrient" salts you have vs. 1 million parts distilled water. When working with mostly soluble fertilizers it's important to understand what this means. When nutrients are dissolved in water, they take on an electrical charge, known as an ion. Salts(ions) conduct electricity from one to the other, the more salts (ions) - the more electrical conductivity (EC). If this EC climbs too high, specific nutrient absorption will stop. If the EC is to low not enough nutrients will be absorbed. Most popular digital ppm meters measure EC and convert it to ppm. Roughly advised ppm counts should be between 550 and 1850. In organic soils and with soluble organic fertilizers its difficult to directly apply the ppm form of measurements. Most organic solutions contain nutrients in microbial form - not salts and are explained typically in %. This % has to be converted to ppm to properly determine how strong in individual nutes a solution may be. This conversion is less accurate but perfectly appropriate for this test. Similarly, pH must be taken into consideration with every application under comparative conditions. Simply put, pH (potential Hydrogen) is a measurement of how acidic vs alkaline your substrate and/or nutrient solution is. Plants absorb nutrients through water bound hydrogen osmosis. This process is the exchange of the negative hydrogen ions (called anions) for positive hydrogen ions attached to nutrients (called cations). This microbial exchange of food takes place directly around the root zone, called the rhizophere. This rhizophere thrives best with a balanced amount of potential hydrogen. Most plants generally grow between a pH of 5.5 and 7.5 (measured on a range from 0 to 14, 14 being the most alkaline). As long as nutrients are available in the proper ratios most leading nutrient manufacturers should and did produce similar results. It's the ingredients and microbial action's taking place that will dictate which nute I found superior.

To begin this project, I started with a variety of products, most chosen because of some success I've had with them at one point or another. I broke them down into general grow, bloom, micro and additives groups. Next, I researched ingredients and specified which nutrient each provided and at roughly what %. I then compared likeness and weakness. For example, some "Nutes" provide water soluble and in-soluble forms of nitrogen, some have more magnesium than others, various forms of micro-nutes are provided in drastically different ways. Some nutrients were provided through enhancing microbial life itself. Others had instant results. Things like this were all taking into consideration. With a pre-determined idea of what ppm count of each nute cannabis prefers and careful calculations I could predict which product lines were weak or strong in which nute prior to any application. This is how I developed the 8 different nutrient programs. The schedule's can differ drastically, ultimately however, I designed them to provide similar amounts of each nute over the entire cycle. Rather than any "spikes" or shocking absence of any nute I adjusted some programs so a steady curve was developed. Rarely will you see my programs simply switch from grow to bloom, instead a gradual transition will occur. This would eventually help me determine which "ingredients" were most effective at which stage. As a brief example, after calculating total available nitrogen in Fox Farms schedule, I decided to initially lower the specified applied amount and extended use into early flowering. Additionally, I removed the recommended later flowering application of Grow Big. This resulted in a "curve" of application, starting weak, gradually building strength and tapering off again. This led to some consistent results with many standard and popular nutrient applications. Basically, I matched the intensity from one program to the next prior to even initiating them. I felt these more cannabis specific feeding schedules would better expose true weaknesses with-in the programs and specify which ingredients marijuana prefers.

Running different substrates, different pH levels, and water quality are just some things that could change the results for many of you. The following are broadly the nute programs I tested, additives used and constant variables involved. I'll continue with descriptions and detailed info on each schedule as well as list and explain significant numerical results.

Test 1 - Earth-juice full line Grow - Bloom - Micro-blast - Catalyst - Meta K

Test 2- Neptune's Harvest/Marine based nutrients Alaska fish fertilizer - Neptune's harvest fish and seaweed fertilizer - Neptune's harvest fish fertilizer -
Neptune's harvest Crab shell - Neptune's harvest seaweed fertilizer

Test 3 - Earth-juice/Marine based nutrient blend Alaskan fish fertilizer - Neptune's Harvest seaweed fertilizer - Neptune's Harvest fish fertilizer - Earth-juice Bloom - Earth-juice Catalyst - Earth-juice Micro-blast

Test 4- Fox Farm full line Grow big - Big bloom - Tiger bloom - Open Sesame - Beasties Bloom - Cha ching

Test 5- Advanced nutrients Sensi line Sensi grow 2 part - Sensi bloom 2 part - Sensizyme - Bud blood - Carboload - Voodoo juice - Overdrive - B-52 - Final phase

Test 6- Dyna gro Dyna grow - Dyna bloom - Protekt

Test 7- Bio-Canna Vega - Flores - Bio-boost -Rhizotonic - Cannazyme

Test 8- General Organics Bio-weed - Bio Thrive Grow - Bio Thrive Bloom - Bio-bud - Bio-weed - Cal/mag

Additives used within each test:

Safergro biomin calcium
Safergro biomin magnesium
Botanicare Cal/mag +
Advanced nutrient Piranha
Advanced nutrients Bud blood
Spray and Grow zinc/iron foliar spray
Greenfuse bloom stimulator

Constant variables:

Genetically identical plants used. Dutch passion Skywalker - this particular pheno is Mazar strong and fast flowering with excellent predictability.

Pro-mix medium used through-out. I find this is great at maintaining a dense enough structure for microbial life but allows for soluble drain to waste applications. There is also
mycorrhizal fungus included.

10 to 15 days in Ez-clone with water and air stones only - 24 hour weak flouros
7 day rooting period in 1 gallon pots - water only for initial soak - 24 hour low intensity T5's


14 days in 1 gallon pots under 24 hr high intensity T5's (referred to as early vegetative cycle)
21 days in 5 gallon pots under 24 hr high intensity T5's (referred to late vegetative cycle)
45+ days total flowering time under 12/12 1000 watt Hortilux high pressure sodium (referred to as flowering cycle)

12 plants per light - 8, 1000 watt air-cooled lights in 12/12

Lights on temp = 75 to 80 degrees humidity = 50%
Lights off temp = 70 to 75 degrees humidity = 55%

soil ph steady at 6.3 to 6.5


After compiling the above products and developing each feeding schedule I used the above additives within each 12 plant per schedule set-up. As an example, a consistent, predetermined amount of Hygrozyme was added to 1 plant in each cycle - in the Advanced Nutrient case I removed the use of Sensizyme. This gave me results even among the 2 enzyme formulas in that test. 1 plant was also giving Cal/Mag +, 1 Safergro Calcium and so on. This gave me an immense amount of feedback but also resulted in many "head to head" additive comparisons. I could not only determine nutrient/ingredient effectiveness but additives turned out to be the most apparent differences in the test. Above all else I felt my conclusions would lead to a better understanding through recordable growth of not only which nutes but which ingredients resulted in more vigorous growth per what stage the plant was in. Generally speaking, I have a relatively non-scientific approach to growing, although I'm an avid researcher and meticulous when it comes to recording results my priorities tend to be instinctively straight forward in reference to what things I decided to monitor and record. Much of my data is based on actual numbers, however, I also had a number of items I recording on a opinion based numerical rating - basically 1 through 10 - 10 being the best. These numbers would be averaged out in the final stages to determine some overall conclusions. More importantly, they were also studied to specifically determine what grew the best plants in which stage. In addition to numbers I also included any pertinent notes in my weekly observations. The following measurements and ratings were taken every 4 to 5 days through-out the plants life.


Main stock circumference
Overall width
Plant overall weight (prior to feeding/watering)
Weight in lost foliage (if any)
Tallest major bud site
Shortest major bud site (this would help in determining growth consistency)
Weight in clippings and fan leaves at harvest
Weight in final product


Resin production
Color and/or bud color
Over-all structure (remained the same through-out)
Bud odor
Root structure rating
Aesthetics of final product
Taste of final product
Smoke rating
Price per gram produced

Each nute program was broken into an 80 day cycle resulting in roughly 5 to 6 "vegetative" applications and 8 to 9 "flowering" applications. The results are not easy as simply spitting out numbers. This entire process was designed to create the best compiled nute program through analyzing the ingredient effectiveness at specific growth stages. As my schedules were similar in overall nutrient intensity I expected similar eventual results and that's exactly what they did. Remember it's important to develop a sense of the total nutes applied per cycle and how you choose to give these nute's to the plant. Taking pieces from each schedule and plugging them into the growth stage that they excelled at will lead to over fertilization and throw the nute "curve" off. As complicated as this process was, I new deciding on a basic and effective cycle was the ultimate goal.

Before reading the observations it's important to understand some general organic microbial life. Microbes make up the majority of soil life in nature. Bacteria, fungus, nematodes, algie and many other micro organisms live in soil. In these tests I was primarily concerned with Bacteria and fungus. Bacteria are usually single celled creatures that prefer generally higher pH environments. There are literally billions and billions of them, some thrive in low oxygen soil (anaerobic) and others need air to properly thrive (aerobic). Bacteria need water to live producing a slime of sorts around them that binds the substrate together and preserves some moisture required for it's survival. They are extremely good at decomposing organic matter by producing enzymes that break down nutrients. The enzymatically digested nutrients are then absorbed back into the bacteria. Fungus is similar in that it also uses enzymes to decompose matter but has some unique characteristics. First, it produces Chitin. This is the same biological substance used in crab and various sea shells and the exoskeletons of many insects. Chitin gives fungus stiffer and a more resistant cellular make-up than bacteria. These fungus cells combine into chains and have passageways between them. This allows fungus to transport fluids from one end of it's chain to the other. I'm sure many of you have heard of Mycorrhizal fungi for example, which encircles and sometimes attaches to root systems searching for food and water on it's own by expanding beyond the plants regular capacity, then transports the nutrients back to the roots. Root's will exchange these nutrients for carbohydrate rich fluids called Exudate's. These exudate's are imperative to producing chitin. The important feature here is that the plant chooses when to exchange the nutrients hence giving a healthy plant more natural control over it's own growth. It also means that this fungus will become an extension of root systems leading to more efficient nutrient absorption. When fungus and bacteria absorb a nutrient, that nutrient becomes locked inside them. They don't release this nutrient until exudate exchange or death. This means nutrients have more of a lasting and natural effect creating a humus rich, nutrient available medium. There are books based on this subject so I won't get to deep into it, but I feel promoting a strong microbial life in organic applications is my primary priority. I'll frequently refer to this microbial life, explaining it further. Plants are not totally depended on these methods of nutrient absorption. They can produce they're own enzymes also, just not nearly as efficiently.

I also think understanding " Brix " content can have benefits in comparative tests. Brix is a measure of a combination of various amino acids, oils, proteins, flavonoids, minerals and primarily sugars/carbohydrates within a plant's tissue. Many vineyards and fruit farmers use Brix levels to determine flavor and nutrition values in grapes and fruit. Brix levels can expose some important features in regards to marijuana. It is a great way to monitor your plants health measured using a refractometer. Much in the same way light beams change direction under water a refractometer measures the change in light direction sent through a sample of extracted fluid from the plant. The larger the direction change, the higher the Brix. Basically, as nutrient absorption occurs (specifically carbs and sugars), measured Brix levels rise. If the appropriate ingredient is poorly absorbed Brix levels will remain the same or lower. With that theory in mind we can better determine how well different nutrients react with Marijuana. Interestingly, organic mediums and organic solubles produce much larger Brix numbers. Plants with high Brix numbers are healthy, more pest resistant and full of nutritional value. Essentially the healthier plant is naturally more resistant to pathogens such as insect infestation. Plant eating insects lack the internal organs to properly digest certain sugars (specifically a liver). Undigested sugars will eventually ferment into alcohol killing the insect or disrupting it's digestive system. High Brix typically implies high sugar content hence are generally more unattractive to these bugs. Weak, infested or diseased plants always have lower Brix numbers. High Brix will improve taste, resin production, odor and potency. I feel it's an underestimated value in regards to plant management. If your interested look into Dr. Reams.
I know that this was a very long time ago. But thank you for taking the time to test all these nutes. There needs to be more stuff like this being done imo.