Nutrients Nutrient Burn. Need Help!

Apr 22, 2018
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Currently Smoking
Girl Scout cookie, sour livers and Jockhorror
I’m hoping some one can help me here, as I’ve been pulling my hair out trying to figure out why hat I’m doing wrong. I’ll start with my set up.

Tent: 5x5x8
Lights: 4 600 watt Vipraspetra projector series, LED’s
Pots & Grow medium: 10 gallon smartpots, Ocean Forest FF soils 70% and Perlite 30%.
Nutrients: All Advance Nutrient-
Primary Veg nutrients: micro,grow,bloom three part.
Secondary Veg Nutrients: voodoo juice,tarantula, B52 and Piranha.
Primary Flowering Nutrients:
Sensibloom Part A and B.
Temp Ranges: Veg: 80 to 88 degrees, Bloom: 75 to 82 degrees
RH: 40 to 50 %
OK so now that I have all that out-of-the-way. Here’s my problem. I go through the vegetative state, so the first four weeks without a problem. My feeding regiment is a three phase. I start with the primary veg nutrients at Day 12 to 14 . Before that all they get is pH water. First feed starts with .3 mill of the Veg primary nutrients (m,g,b 3 part) to 1 gallon of PH (between 6.0 and 6.5)water. Second feed is exactly the same as the first. Just to let the plants get acclimated to the new nutrients. The third feed I bump it up to .4 of the primary nutrients. That ends my first cycle.

On the second cycle I start my first feed with the primary veg nutrients .4 mill for 1 gallon. On my second feeding I bump it up to .5. Then on my third feeding. I keep the primary nutrients exactly the same at .5 and I incorporate the secondary nutrients (voodoo juice,tarantula, B52 and Piranha)at .3 Each to the gallon of PH water. This ends my second cycle.

From here on out it’s as shown above a 3 feed cycle. So it goes, first feed primary nuts at .5, second feed the same , then on the third feed I incorporate the secondary nuts. Bumping them up every 2 feeds Until I reach .5 mill per gallon. Never more then that per gallon.

Then when I start the cycle again I go back to Primary Veg nuts for the first 2 feeds and secondary nuts on the 3rd. Therefore I always give them a break from the heavy secondary nuts for 2 feedings before I feed them those again.

All goes well until I hit pre flower and flowering stage. Between weeks 4 and 6 I switch to flowering nutrients (sensibloom 2 part) Starting it at .3 mill per gallon. But here they start to show signs of nutrient burn. How is that possIble!! I am microdoseing them. I mean I know autos are sensitive. But I’m feeding them at less then a 1/4 recommended dose. For photos the dose is 2 mill per liter!!! I’m only giving them .5 mill per gallon wich is over 3 liters. So I’m even lower then a 1/4 dose. I’m on my third plant and the same things keeps happening. On my third plant however I incorporated a plain PH water feed to the mix. Thinking that would help, but then I developed a calcium defficency, wich I didn’t get with the first 2. Not sure if that has to do with the plain PH water feed or just the strain (Sweet Cheese by Sweet Seeds).I would assume it’s not my well water as am sure it has calcium and other minerals often found in well systems. Any ways... any help would be appreciated. If this is in the wrong thread please forgive me. Just let me know where I should post it and I will copy and paste it there.
