Nutrient burn from vermifire

Apr 20, 2017
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Currently Smoking
blue dream
I had 4 autos in vermifire that are top dressed with promix to start the seeds. I experienced some serious nutriet burn about 3 weeks in. Just transplanted into ffof 40percent/ promix 60percent. Do you think it will help?
Pics of the garden. Are they baddly affected? Will my idea save them? Have I already diminished my yeild?


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Oh dear jeff, they do look burnt. This is one for @Waira or @namvet25

I have just tagged them, lets hope they come to your rescue. Above my talent I'm afraid, but they don't look beyond hope. There is always something that can be done.
Good luck chum...............eP.
Oh dear jeff, they do look burnt. This is one for @Waira or @namvet25

I have just tagged them, lets hope they come to your rescue. Above my talent I'm afraid, but they don't look beyond hope. There is always something that can be done.
Good luck chum...............eP.

Thank you. All input is good input at this point I just wanna save my babies! Just a little more detail:.
Ages: row 1 - day 38 from seed
Row 2 - day 22 from seed
Row 3 - day 18 from seed
Row 4 - day 7 from seed
They are supersonic Cristal storm from samsara seeds. 45 day flower. 8 week from seed finisher.
Hey Jeff,

yep, it looks like nute burn, but to get your plants back in the game you could flush them with tap water satteled for 1 or 2 days or better using RO water to get some nutes out of the you have a PH meter for the soil checking?
I don't have a soil pH. Just a drip test. I've checked my run off it's about 6-7 In all plants. Is there a certain pH I want to keep my water at to try to slow down the nutrition release?
6.5 should work good and a runoff between 6-7 should work aswell, but the runoff method is not really many things rule in the pot...i followed Waira's advise and got a ph meter on amazon uk which is called " accurate 8" from control wizzard...where are you from?

but ph will not reduce/ release the nutes in the soil, do you have a ppm/ec meter?
I don't have a ton of supplies as I'm on budget but still if things are needed for the health of my plants recommend it and explain how to use it and I will do it!!
Check, for growing indoors you definitely need a ph in water/ solution and ec/ppm meter and to be sure also the ph meter for it...i'm on business now and can explain the way of use in a couple of hours!

can you order on amazon eu or are you us or others? so i can send you some recommended links...