Nute deficiency?

Mar 26, 2017
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Hey guys! I got so much help on my last post I really wanted to try this one out too. So my auto (blue mystic) is 20 days old today :)headbang: ) and my first set of serrated leaves are pretty much dead from normal causes, but there's a spot on this newer leaf that I'm trying to figure out, maybe you guys can help me figure out what is is. Next watering I'm using white vinegar to up the pH a little, cuz maybe it's not taking the nutes up for that reason?

Soiless medium: Promix bx (unaltered)
Space: 5 gallon Space bucket
Light: 135 W UFO, 5050 LED light strip 60W
Pot: :pass: 5 gallon smart pot :)
Water: regular ole tap water
Nutes: General Organics Go Box (gave him first nutes 3 days ago)
Light cycle: 18/6

Thanks guys!


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Hey man,

Could you post pics in natural light? More info? How often do you water, feed? Looks like P def. but cant tell. What I can say is that you should NOT use vinegar to raise pH, vinegar has a low pH and will in turn bring down your pH.

Hey man,

Could you post pics in natural light? More info? How often do you water, feed? Looks like P def. but cant tell. What I can say is that you should NOT use vinegar to raise pH, vinegar has a low pH and will in turn bring down your pH.


Sure! And I don't really have a set watering schedule I try to water when the pot feels lighter and the top layer is dry (also my promix takes a while to dry idk if that's maybe due to root damage..?) Also I meant I'm trying to lower the pH not raise it, I don't know what my tap water pH is, but I figure if the plant isn't taking up the nutes, it may be a high pH or low pH thing


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As a noob myself I can't stress enough the need for a way to accurately find out your ph. Any issues I have encountered in my gross were all ph related. IMO ph is the most important part of healthy growing.
ph is the most important part of healthy growing.

That's very true. And once the proper Ph Up/Down kit comes (with my pH pen) I really hope to put an end to these random brown dots.

Is there anything else this could be if by some miracle it WASN"T pH? I gotta stop this :-/
I'm sorry. I wish I had more info to offer. I am still a beginner myself there are always new things to learn.
Is that 20 days since the seed popped? If that is just twenty right on they are not to bad a size. You should up your Calmag a bit. I ran G.O. once with great results Your plants on a whole look good mate. I would let all tap water sit out in a container for at least 24 hours. I have used bx before if you have to run BX add two generous cups of perlite to a five gallon container. I suggest you try pro mix HP HIGH porosity in the future or sunshine mix [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG]. Pro mix bx has vermiculite in it it helps to retain moisture make sure your ambient temp is around 80 degrees when running led lights. I will look up my G.O grow and see how much I used per feeding.
I should say you can still grow great plants in pro mix bx. it is designed more for HPS and the great outdoors imo. You can grow bigger plants in the medium I suggested and I do believe less nutrient problems this is just from my observations on using all three I mentioned
Is that 20 days since the seed popped? If that is just twenty right on they are not to bad a size. You should up your Calmag a bit. I ran G.O. once with great results Your plants on a whole look good mate. I would let all tap water sit out in a container for at least 24 hours. I have used bx before if you have to run BX add two generous cups of perlite to a five gallon container. I suggest you try pro mix HP HIGH porosity in the future or sunshine mix [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG]. Pro mix bx has vermiculite in it it helps to retain moisture make sure your ambient temp is around 80 degrees when running led lights. I will look up my G.O grow and see how much I used per feeding.

Hi fairlynew! This is so much good info!
Oh that's good I was worried mine was a little slow, good to know it's on track. I'm definitely sitting the water out next time, and yeah as for the promix next time I'm definitely adding perlite (I have so much idek what to do with it). For now I've heard blowing a fan on it and keeping the pot suspended helps air out the pot, hopefully I didn't ruin it with overwatering.

Please do send me your feeding schedule! That would be awesome, thank you so much!
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