Novice grower looking for yield advice

Dec 17, 2020
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Hi everyone, long time lurker first time poster. Hope you're all having a noice holiday season!

I started growing about a year ago and I have been improving with every cycle but my autos are always short little ladies. The first plants I grew were from WhiteWidow Seed Bank from Canada. They turned out, but they were really short and didn't yield much. I grew 3 runs with slightly improved but similar results.

I grew them in soil with added perlite in 5g pots with a SF1000, I used Gaia Green dry amendments and I PHed my water. My Tent is in my basement but i regulate RH with a sensor and a humidifier and I have an exhaust fan with a filter to maintain good temperatures. I didn't notice any deficiencies, they looked like fairly healthy plants from sprout to harvest, but they were just really small. After harvest I dug up my root balls to see what I could see. The tap roots were only like 3" long so I thought the soil was too compact for autos and I have since added more perlite to my current grow.

This round I bought my magic beans from MSNL and I upgraded my light but I'm still having the similar issues. I am growing 5 different strains this time, so I'm not really looking for strain specific advice, but there must be some root cause (see what i did there) as to why none of my plants ever grow to more than 30cm

Problem: short plants and low yield

Medium/grow method:
amended garden soil with perlite. The soil is just cheap garden soil from a hardware store. I added Gaia Green all purpose 4-4-4 (the tub says to use 3 tbsp/gallon of medium, I used about half that much) and also added 25% perlite. I have been germinating in my final container, no paper towel, no transplanting. I've been careful not to over water seedlings because I know that can be an issue in a large pot

Gaia Green organic dry amendments and worm Castings. trying to keep it somewhat Organic

water source:
municipal tap water @ 6.3-6.5, i don't have any other meters

MSNL various strains (northern storm auto, lemon og auto, GDP auto, silver haze auto & auto OG) all planted on Oct 24 so that's day 66 today

light used:
spider farmer sf1000 along side a Phlizon 1500W Dimmagle LED. I don't know the real Wattage. Both lights are 20" away and I only plugged in the SF1000 for flower

22-25 deg day, 17-20 night. humidity between 45%and 55% (was around 60 during Veg)

Additional info:
I have included Photos of my plants.

I'm pretty sure the Silver Haze Auto is too close to the light but the other's aren't showing any signs of that.
silver.haze. too much light.jpg
silver haze too much light.jpg

The Auto OG has some burnt leaf tips and some yellowing, but she seems the closest to harvest. I don't know if that's nute burn or just fall colours?

I never tried topping before and I know that's the opposite of what you want for taller plants, but I thought it could help overall yield. I topped the GDP auto and the Lemon Og and it did work because they are larger plants and have more bud sites, but they seem to be considerably less developed than the 3 strains that I did not top. Is it typical that topping will delay harvest? or is that purely strain dependent?


To fit 5 plants in my tent I needed smaller pots, so this time I have 4 plants in 3g fabric pots and the Auto GDP is the only one to get a 5g fabric pot. If you look at all of the plants it is evident that one is in a larger container, but the plant is still fairly small.

Here are the other plants:

Here's my low tech security setup:
grimace on duty.jpg

Thank you all for reading my ramblings, and all help is much appreciated.


  • silv.haze.jpg
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What do your bags sit in/on? plants should not be sitting in a catch pan, but above it.160927211615534213041135451274.jpg and not directly on the floor, even padded carpet with a tent on top. Concrete sucks any warmth right on out.

And your temps.... indoor under LED, my room never sees lower than 75* or 24* lights off, and runs at close to 82* or 28* lights on.
I came over from photos several years back, and HPS. I had a bit of trouble with smaller ladies initially. I found I was running temps that I was comfortable with, but the plants were not (temps meant for hps lighting). They grew fine, made nice smoke, but were light of what I wanted and always small.

And training... training and topping will shorten up a plant. Topping is meant to give you a more even canopy and better lighting to more tops, but it does this at a cost... what goes out doesn't go up as much! Personally, I top at the 6th node for medium strains up. Small strains I let run. and I remove the bottom first branches early on. That's it... other than some defoliation along the way.

Many other things can cause small girls, including nute issues and genetics... water quality... medium quality, but this is a start.
This is my current run in soil, about day 45. Topped and cleaned now. You can see I'm at 2 feet and that's from the top of soil. Stretch has just ended, so I don't expect them to get any taller now.
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Nice looking plants.. I've gotten up to a 4oz of a single plant mostly der mephisto stuff and some autoseeds gsc.. back then I grew in 5gal fabric pots with nutrients, now I grow in a living soil worms and all. Last round was photoperiods I did over 9oz 3 plants. This round im doing 3 autos a dinafem blue kush auto and mephisto purple nuggets and orange biscuits. I noticed when lights are too close plants tend to be on the smaller side (personal opinion from watching several grows of mine)

I've seen some short plants produce some yield. If your environment and your watering schedule is good then you'll have some nice size plants.
Try coco coir instead of soil. And train your plants with LST for many main colas. That should solve all your problems. With coco coir you have to feed nutrients from the start. With soil you can get away with water for a few weeks. Cant over water coco coir either! So that's a bonus. You'll get much bigger and better plants if you take my advice.
Hi bro I just wanted say hello I don't grow in soil so I can't advise you much as I'm a coco grower
I grow good plants in soil but I use biobizz light mix and I still plan to switch to coco for more growth.
And the guys are right, coco can grow some monsters! There's just something missing from a hydro plant for me.
And the guys are right, coco can grow some monsters! There's just something missing from a hydro plant for me.
I like me some earthy tasting weed over hydro myself. But if you want big plants coco will definitely do the trick.