Not to good at spotting deficiency

I've found growing in soil, we tend to over water too often.
This leads to a shit load of issues that may appear as chemical related, but really, the plant isn't getting enough oxygen.
And this is VERY common growing in soil.

Is the stems are a little purple with wilting leaves, this is one of the first signs of over watering.
Let your pots dry out for a while, until the plants tell you they want water.

In soil, water the least possible,....and water more often.
I'm talking about 2 shot glasses roughly a day...not more...
Also, water as a ring at the outer edges of the leaves, nothing closer to the stem.

Don't worry, the plants can go a week without any water at all!.
I mean bone dry soil...really.

Their general condition looks good.
How old are these plants?
I was thinking that to but iv been waiting until the pot gets light but i will start waiting longer there about 2 and a half weeks old here is some closer pics the steams are red nitrogen mabey? And the leaves look like there going yellow a little


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Idk why it sent so many but im been bubling my wat 24h before i water and the perlite should be enough oxygen its pretty airy and drys pretty fast
the extra pictures are good :thumbsup:

Sometimes diagnosing a problem.
We need to see what is right about the plant.
Color is good, stems are not red and leaves not twisting ( so no mag issues).
No spoting or rusting of the leaves (no cal issue).

I did notice one picture, the leaf tips are just starting to yellow, nothing major.
But keep an eye on this, this means too much Nitrogen (too strong a feed).
This however might be for just one plant, so you may have to lower the feed a little to this plant.

Let your pots dry out a little and resume watering, just a little less.
In growing pot, less is always a good thing.