Not sure if an actual problem or not, slight yellowing & a few spots


Non smoker
Cultivators Club
Sep 7, 2020
Reaction score
Problem: Hey guys! I'm not sure if I have an actual problem or not. This is my first grow so I am not experienced at all. A very few lower leaves have some yellowing and brown spots appearing on them. I am a day away from week 7/day 43. Just curious if I have an issue starting and if I need to make adjustments. I have not started bloom nutes yet but am about to in 3 days or so. That will also start some calmag according to the autobeast guide ive been trying to follow.

Medium/grow method: Soil - BioBizz Light Mix - following the autobeast guide

Feed: and supplements used: AN Sensi Grow A&B only so far. Just had it's 3rd full dose of 5ml A and 5ml B. I did use BioRoot in the first 3 weeks but have stopped. No calmag or anything besides water and Grow. I do plain water for at least 2-3 days between feeds.

water source: Tap, high pH(7.5-8.8) but adjusted down to 5.8-6.2 every water and feed with GH pH down(phosphoric acid). On "feed" days I put nutes first then adjust if needed. At full dose 5ml of Grow the pH comes out to exactly 6.0 in 1500ml of water. I have a graduated pitcher with markings.

Strain/age: Dutch Passion Blue Mazar Auto - 43 days in pics

light used: Migro Aray

Climate: Steady 73-78F(22-25c) drops to 64-66F(16-18c) at night with 60-65%RH constant. Never below 64F/16C, basement is very stable, furnace nearby. Exhaust fan is on continuously, circulation fan also continous, humidifier in tent. Most of the time if I check my monitor it is 73F/22C and 63%

Additional info: I just have some spots and odd looking leaves on the lower part of the plant. I have been clipping them. Just curious if I have an issue or can just leave it alone for now. I am very careful with watering and adjusting pH

Pics of the issue: Just watered before this pic, it does look a bit "wilty". The pot was watered with 1.5L and 5ml A/B Grow at 5am before work and was light to lift when I got home around 9pm. I added another 1.5L of plain water pH'd to 5.8


Some leaves and their tips in the area. The problem is not all over the plant....yet.


2 Leaves I removed: First one is the worst one I found.


The tips on most don't curl up or down, this was just me setting it down poorly. It laid completely flat. I dont see any tip burn and I have not been able to match up any pics well enough to know if I have a def/excess.


Another "whole" plant shot if it helps


Thanks for reading. Let me know if you need any additional information.
Problem: Hey guys! I'm not sure if I have an actual problem or not. This is my first grow so I am not experienced at all. A very few lower leaves have some yellowing and brown spots appearing on them. I am a day away from week 7/day 43. Just curious if I have an issue starting and if I need to make adjustments. I have not started bloom nutes yet but am about to in 3 days or so. That will also start some calmag according to the autobeast guide ive been trying to follow.

Medium/grow method: Soil - BioBizz Light Mix - following the autobeast guide

Feed: and supplements used: AN Sensi Grow A&B only so far. Just had it's 3rd full dose of 5ml A and 5ml B. I did use BioRoot in the first 3 weeks but have stopped. No calmag or anything besides water and Grow. I do plain water for at least 2-3 days between feeds.

water source: Tap, high pH(7.5-8.8) but adjusted down to 5.8-6.2 every water and feed with GH pH down(phosphoric acid). On "feed" days I put nutes first then adjust if needed. At full dose 5ml of Grow the pH comes out to exactly 6.0 in 1500ml of water. I have a graduated pitcher with markings.

Strain/age: Dutch Passion Blue Mazar Auto - 43 days in pics

light used: Migro Aray

Climate: Steady 73-78F(22-25c) drops to 64-66F(16-18c) at night with 60-65%RH constant. Never below 64F/16C, basement is very stable, furnace nearby. Exhaust fan is on continuously, circulation fan also continous, humidifier in tent. Most of the time if I check my monitor it is 73F/22C and 63%

Additional info: I just have some spots and odd looking leaves on the lower part of the plant. I have been clipping them. Just curious if I have an issue or can just leave it alone for now. I am very careful with watering and adjusting pH

Pics of the issue: Just watered before this pic, it does look a bit "wilty". The pot was watered with 1.5L and 5ml A/B Grow at 5am before work and was light to lift when I got home around 9pm. I added another 1.5L of plain water pH'd to 5.8

View attachment 1264926

Some leaves and their tips in the area. The problem is not all over the plant....yet.

View attachment 1264927

2 Leaves I removed: First one is the worst one I found.

View attachment 1264928

The tips on most don't curl up or down, this was just me setting it down poorly. It laid completely flat. I dont see any tip burn and I have not been able to match up any pics well enough to know if I have a def/excess.

View attachment 1264929

Another "whole" plant shot if it helps

View attachment 1264930

Thanks for reading. Let me know if you need any additional information.
Sorry your having issues but we will try to help as best we can. Couple of questions.. Is the droop related to the issues or did the lights just come on? When you say 5ml of a and b, is that 5ml per liter of each or 5ml total of each? The yellow tips are signs of over feeding. The only time you get yellow leaf tips is due to nutrient burn. Do you have a ppm meter? If not, I would definitely put that on your Christmas list. The issues seem to be in the early stages but could progress quickly if not found/addressed so you did the right thing by posting asap!
Thanks for looking Proph! Lights have been on all day. I found it looking droopy when I got home from work. It was watered/fed in the AM right at lights on and the pot was dry/light feeling when I got home in the evening. I watered again at that point with just plain water and took pics. It has not been needing much water as I usually water at lights on (6AM) and at night it has still felt heavy and the soil wet to the touch(7-8pm-ish) when pushing a finger down into it. LIghts off is 12 midnight.

A & B is 5ml of each. so 10ml total into 1.5L of water. I ramped up slowly from 1ml of each to 3ml, then 5ml over the last 3 weeks. I just noticed the spotting in the last few days as it's gotten 3 doses of the full 5mlA:5mlB.

I do not have a ppm meter yet. I did not think I would need one unless doing coco or hydro grows but I can certainly get one ASAP. Recommendation? I was hoping to buy better equipment later or as needed. I didn't want to jump straight to pro level blue lab/apera stuff unless I had to. I have a Milwaukee ph600 pen so far.
The droopy leaves can indicate a wrong Temperature /Relative Humidity environment. Your meters could be (defective) lying to you? You might be the environmental balance when home. When you leave for work something changes in the environment. I had no idea how much Ms. MOG and I effect the inside of the grow tent until I got a Pulse One Monitor. Taking a shower raises the humidity enough to make a difference along with many many other thing. The point is if RH gets too high or too low in relation the temperature the stomata on the leaves close. The plant stops transpiring but it wants nutrients because the lights are providing lots of energy so it pulls in more nutrients/water the leaves get heavy and droop. Now this can lead to the calcium problem in the leaf or it can be too much or not enough of something.

Have you asked @autobeast if a correction to his formula is needed?
Yes, thank you for the places to look. The temp/rh stays pretty stable only rising/falling for lights out. The tent is in the basement far away from any human factors. I calibrated the hygrometer with a boveda calibration bag before starting so I would have at least one accurate meter. The temp is consistant between 3 different sensors so I do belive it to be accurate as well. The night temps in the tent agree with the temp meter outside the tent and the general larger room temperature.

I will look at the Pulse One. I will also drop mr beast a line in his guide thread.

EDIT: I only work part time so I look at my monitor screen for temp/RH frequently. I am very curious whats going on so I got the remote sensor so I would not peek or open the tent often. I should get a better one but I wanted to start slow and not overbuy equipment. I do love toys and gadgets.
Thanks for looking Proph! Lights have been on all day. I found it looking droopy when I got home from work. It was watered/fed in the AM right at lights on and the pot was dry/light feeling when I got home in the evening. I watered again at that point with just plain water and took pics. It has not been needing much water as I usually water at lights on (6AM) and at night it has still felt heavy and the soil wet to the touch(7-8pm-ish) when pushing a finger down into it. LIghts off is 12 midnight.

A & B is 5ml of each. so 10ml total into 1.5L of water. I ramped up slowly from 1ml of each to 3ml, then 5ml over the last 3 weeks. I just noticed the spotting in the last few days as it's gotten 3 doses of the full 5mlA:5mlB.

I do not have a ppm meter yet. I did not think I would need one unless doing coco or hydro grows but I can certainly get one ASAP. Recommendation? I was hoping to buy better equipment later or as needed. I didn't want to jump straight to pro level blue lab/apera stuff unless I had to. I have a Milwaukee ph600 pen so far.
Any cheap ec/ppm meter will do. These meters are the only way to know if your nutrient mix is too strong. Start with the basic model for now. Keep in mind that when following the guides of others that every sees and strain is different. What works for them, works for them and their set up/knowledge level... It doesn't mean it will work for you or for all. Growing plants is not like building a birdhouse. There are no set of instructions to follow to get a guaranteed outcome. Some plants are heavy feeders, some are very sensitive.. But the yellow tips lead me to believe that the feeds are too strong for its liking. Ohh... And what size are the pots?

Single plant in a 3 gallon fabric smart pot. It is elevated so air can circulate underneath. I have a saucer under it as well. The tent is elevated off the basement floor to insulate it a bit from the cold concrete.
I’m thinking he needs a bigger pot as well. I had a killer glue exhibit the similar symptoms. At first I thought it was the cold. After remedying the cold and low rh, she got no better. I put her in a size larger pot and a few hours later she was doing much better. I would also check the temp of my medium and nutrient solution and make sure they are within 5° of each other. Also try lowering your ph by .2. That will give you access to little more nitrogen. Best of luck to you.
Thanks, will do on the pH.
Yes, thank you for the places to look. The temp/rh stays pretty stable only rising/falling for lights out. The tent is in the basement far away from any human factors. I calibrated the hygrometer with a boveda calibration bag before starting so I would have at least one accurate meter. The temp is consistant between 3 different sensors so I do belive it to be accurate as well. The night temps in the tent agree with the temp meter outside the tent and the general larger room temperature.

I will look at the Pulse One. I will also drop mr beast a line in his guide thread.

EDIT: I only work part time so I look at my monitor screen for temp/RH frequently. I am very curious whats going on so I got the remote sensor so I would not peek or open the tent often. I should get a better one but I wanted to start slow and not overbuy equipment. I do love toys and gadgets.
Well it sounds to me like you have the bases covered on the Temp/RH environment. The droopy leaves are a bit of a puzzle. Does the basement get enough fresh air maybe the plants are using up the C0²?

I am not recommending you to buy a Pulse One. Good EC and PH meters are more important. The Pulse is enlightening though.