New Grower Northern Lights auto. First Grow. Aerogarden


Every sinners got a future every saints got a past
Sep 15, 2019
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My first growing experience. I did some research (a lot of research actually lol) and I decided to try the Aerogarden Bounty. It’s actually a drip down system which is similar to hydroponic growing. It has a 45 watt full spectrum light that can extend 24 inches. I added supplementary air to both sides of the aerogarden using a T-Valve along with air-stones. I made a grow box out of thick styrofoam insulation which I wrapped in foil. I made my own C02 dispenser. I have two fan creating a circle of air to ensure new air is being circulated. I used my essential oil water diffuser to incorporate moisture. I also have a very small heater fan. I check the pH daily and siphon out the nutes mixed with distilled water weekly and add fresh nutes and water. I had some cal-mag issues but caught it quickly by upping the ph and adding a little extra of my cal-mag solution. I have been tucking the leaves and am debating using a scrog. Depending on how the grow continues I may install my 300 watt full spectrum light if I’m not satisfied with the growth. These NL autos are growing like crazy. 17 days ago I planted the seed in my aerogarden and below are the pics of the 17th day. If all goes well and I don’t end up killing these babies my next step is a tent set up. I admit I have been babying these plants and everyday I’m reading up on something regarding growing so hopefully I get a good yield.

What does everybody think my yield will be?


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hi and :welcome: @GloriaGrows :pass:good growth for 17 days :thumbsup: not seen much of the areogarden,neat lil set up:biggrin:
a 300w led ? heck just go get yourself a tent while ya at it :eyebrows:
been lurking for some time or first day here ? :CSR: im archie gemmill :footy:your butlins blue coat hi de high site rep :paleo:a few things well worth a read.

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why not do an intro,tell us something about yourself your grow or your ferret :shrug:
Live Stoner Gossip bit lost or stuck,got a question ? a cuppa tea getting cold and a rocket to burn ?:coffee::smokeout:
some Guides and Tutorials:laptop:
start a journal in the new growers section :watering:

follow along with Ash-A-Ton from seed to jar thread :smokeit:

have a good look around,click on some signature links.

anything else just ask away or @ me
good luck n keep er lit
My first growing experience. I did some research (a lot of research actually lol) and I decided to try the Aerogarden Bounty. It’s actually a drip down system which is similar to hydroponic growing. It has a 45 watt full spectrum light that can extend 24 inches. I added supplementary air to both sides of the aerogarden using a T-Valve along with air-stones. I made a grow box out of thick styrofoam insulation which I wrapped in foil. I made my own C02 dispenser. I have two fan creating a circle of air to ensure new air is being circulated. I used my essential oil water diffuser to incorporate moisture. I also have a very small heater fan. I check the pH daily and siphon out the nutes mixed with distilled water weekly and add fresh nutes and water. I had some cal-mag issues but caught it quickly by upping the ph and adding a little extra of my cal-mag solution. I have been tucking the leaves and am debating using a scrog. Depending on how the grow continues I may install my 300 watt full spectrum light if I’m not satisfied with the growth. These NL autos are growing like crazy. 17 days ago I planted the seed in my aerogarden and below are the pics of the 17th day. If all goes well and I don’t end up killing these babies my next step is a tent set up. I admit I have been babying these plants and everyday I’m reading up on something regarding growing so hopefully I get a good yield.
What does everybody think my yield will be?

Using co2 won't help, because it quickly dissipates in an open or vented tent.
Only in a sealed, un-vented tent will it do any good.

A daughter tried this with only stuff that came with the aerogarden, and her plants never looked good.
She used aerogarden fertilizer and no air stones.
Her first harvest was about 5 grams.

She has since switched nutes, used a better light, and added an air stone.
The plants are doing better.
This is my very first grow so I’m trying everything my research has taught me lol. I have a whole bundle of different nutes to add at different times. This is trial and error for me I guess trying to incorporate co2 blasts directly on the plants couldn’t may help slightly, it may not do anything....??? Considering the size of my plants I’m guessing I’m doing something right thus far because honestly the pics don’t do justice to the size of my babies. They are very thick/dense so I had to start tucking leaves.
Second day here lol. This is all new to me
Welcome! Lookin good so far!! Its not gunna make monsters, but a small personal garden is a good thing. [emoji106] check out the micro grows and solo cups!!

Sent by a weed nerd
Welcome Gloria!
Could you explain the 'drip system'? Couldnt quite get if its hydro or coco tbh..

Anyhow, nice growth! Best of luck and fyi my blackberries were smaller on day 17 and I kinda feel im going towards 350-400g by the looks of them girls.... So yea get a bigger space they gona quadriple in size come harvest time

(In Progress) My First Auto Grow: Auto Blackberries by Fastbuds
My first growing experience. I did some research (a lot of research actually lol) and I decided to try the Aerogarden Bounty. It’s actually a drip down system which is similar to hydroponic growing. It has a 45 watt full spectrum light that can extend 24 inches. I added supplementary air to both sides of the aerogarden using a T-Valve along with air-stones. I made a grow box out of thick styrofoam insulation which I wrapped in foil. I made my own C02 dispenser. I have two fan creating a circle of air to ensure new air is being circulated. I used my essential oil water diffuser to incorporate moisture. I also have a very small heater fan. I check the pH daily and siphon out the nutes mixed with distilled water weekly and add fresh nutes and water. I had some cal-mag issues but caught it quickly by upping the ph and adding a little extra of my cal-mag solution. I have been tucking the leaves and am debating using a scrog. Depending on how the grow continues I may install my 300 watt full spectrum light if I’m not satisfied with the growth. These NL autos are growing like crazy. 17 days ago I planted the seed in my aerogarden and below are the pics of the 17th day. If all goes well and I don’t end up killing these babies my next step is a tent set up. I admit I have been babying these plants and everyday I’m reading up on something regarding growing so hopefully I get a good yield.

What does everybody think my yield will be?

heya @GloriaGrows and :welcome: to afn! :toke: the very first thing me have to say is -> NL for the win! :yay: ok, moving on...:smoking: luv ur lil setup & will be followin along to see how it turnz out ;) anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

:420: :kitty:
Welcome, man! Good luck to you! What is the true wattage (at the wall) for each of those lights? How much clearance do you have for the plants to grow? Also, what dimension width and length is the grow space?

I will guess yield based on that. But so far, so good!

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