Outdoor Northen Lights Auto Grow Journal

I cannot personally vouch for its accuracy, just to be clear..
ok so i finished my little grow room for now tell me what everyone thinks and thanks for all the info guys
Wow nice , that's pretty great remember to buy a thermostat and hygrometer so you know what the temps and humidy is inside, love your ingenuity as that light is pretty great, if you have spares save some for the side lighting as when they get bigger, you're also loosing a bit of light going up, see if you can make a reflector to focus the light downward, goal is to capture as much light as possible towards the plant, also your loosing some lumens thru the door.
This is the info I found(on another forum)..

Approximate light production:
Incandescents: 17 lumens/watt
Mercury vapor: 45-50 lumens/watt
Fluorescents: 60-70 lumens/watt
Metal halide: 90 lumens/watt
High pressure sodium: 107 lumens/watt

I cannot personally vouch for its accuracy, just to be clear..
Thanks, that's is exactly what I needed.
Wow nice , that's pretty great remember to buy a thermostat and hygrometer so you know what the temps and humidy is inside, love your ingenuity as that light is pretty great, if you have spares save some for the side lighting as when they get bigger, you're also loosing a bit of light going up, see if you can make a reflector to focus the light downward, goal is to capture as much light as possible towards the plant, also your loosing some lumens thru the door.

Ok I'll figure something out as for the door not sure what to do about then the only thing I can think of is covering it with aluminum foil lol to block some of the ligh from escaping and also using it at reflection
Aluminum foil isn't good Try to see if you can find reflective duct tape looks almost like foil. You can use that
Aluminum foil isn't good Try to see if you can find reflective duct tape looks almost like foil. You can use that

How about the reflectors for car windows I just seen some at Walmart for about 3 dollars each
Walmart has some space blankets/camp blankets they're made out of mylar I believe those work good
stretch that mylar blanket taught over some card board or better yet some cheap door skin.like a thin sheet of a balsa type wood to keep it flat as you possibly can.or drywall, whichever.:pass: and re enforce the corners with fiberglass tape or duct tape or several pieces stacked of masking tape if you tack it up..