Outdoor Northen Lights Auto Grow Journal

with the current cost of CFLs, and their short life span, they are a waste of money in anything other than a micro grow. You want at a minimum, 23 watt CFLS and better to use 40 watt or more bulbs ( actual power draw ) You can a 300 watt LED for less than $100 U.S. or a 180 watt UFO style for $80 or less. When you add up the CFL costs, light fixtures, and or a reflector, having to mess with raising/lowering your lights almost every day, they don't seem like such a bargain IMO
i hear ya brother , but what if thats all you got? skint is skint in any language, if ya paying out silly money for shite weed and ya decide ta try and grow ya own with cfl then its cheaper , only saying coz thats my plan , but i hope ya get my point , it aint always about watt/gram/yield, its about love /respect necessity

ok, I here that but your still wasting your money, better off growing outside then, cost: $0.00..................
ok, I here that but your still wasting your money, better off growing outside then, cost: $0.00..................
and it sure is about the yield when you spend time and money and end up with 10-15 grams when you could have 30-90 or more
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WOW ! Been awhile since I checked in. Looking good!
Hey jess, hope all is going well my lovely
how are your little ladies doing?
From your last post I belive you were planning on harvesting fairly soon
what lights did you go with in the end, I recall quite a few 23w cfl at the start. Did you keep up with the same bulbs, and how many
all the best hun
yup everything going good gonna harvest next thursday the 2 plants as for the 3rd plant gonna give it another 3 weeks, yup kept same bulbs added some side lighting for lower branches
sweet, well done jess, give yourself a pat on the back hun