MarsHydro Light Shows 2023 NORBY grows Sawney beans - FORUM STOMPER-DOUBLE GRAPE+PLANET OF THE GRAPES & EL JEFE "THE BOSS" & Dutch Passions SFV OG (Mars Hydro TSW 2000)

MarsHydro Light Shows 2023
thats the Dutch passion SFV OG Tester
its a flying machine, maybe its the Quartz Crystals lol
thanks for the advise, they seem to be ok now,
never have this issue before do be good to know the waters Ph. But the inkbird ph tester ive ordered isnt even a Ph tester lol
its a tds/ec temp meter so i had to order another ph tester, have to wait until monday now ffs.
but i think i can convert it sometome how
If you run in organics, getting into ballpark range is good enough. I’m the laziest of growers, so no ph pen here, but….my water out the tap is 8ish. To get it down, I’ll add a drop or two of lemon juice.
They have ph tester drops ( maybe for pools) which allow me to check and make sure the ph is around 6-7, which is close enough.
Your plants look most excellent, so don’t change a thing!
Who is the fastest girl on the left?
Day 35 in The Den {Sawney bean strains & Dutch Passions SFV Og}

DAY 35


Im deffinitly noticing a big difference using a 20/4 light cycle compaired to 24/0.​

More side growth and more budsites​

No signs of light stress so far and plants aint as tall/strechy.​

Seem to veg longer and slower on flowering but seem healthier​

Everythings going well other than the cal defiency i just caught on time.​

When i schwazzed them i didnt feed them nutes and gave them a water feed so i think thats were i went wrong.​

I corrected the defiency with 7ml sensi per 5Litre of water @525 ppm and feed them to runoff.​

Day 36 in The Den {Sawney bean strains & Dutch Passions SFV Og} Defol needed

DAY 36

Maybe a defol is needed now

Will get on that tonight and hopefully not take the piss


What a load of shit ffs​

Never had to do this before haha
Not one solution matched up correctly lol (in the bin)
Waste of Money & Time and will probly never use one again now.

If I can get a decent Bluelab pen Il use that. But these amazon ones are pieces of shit lol