Outdoor (Noobie) Grow Journal: Seet tooth auto - Barney's Farm (Outdoors)

Okay, iam not pro, but iam ahead of you and I can tell you are overwatering them and you adding nutes too soon and too much :-( that's why are so small.
Because it's heavy load for root system,which is undeveloped...
That is problem of all beginners too much care :-D
You need a Lil bit more of '' I don't give a fuck'' attitude... Check out my grow mate, I will post new fotos in couple of hours...

Less I care, more they grow, iam using 700ml of water divided for four flowers with just 2mils of plagron alga grow every second day and they are growin bush as phuck mate
Also I started to nute them every day from day 21,till 21 no nutes... After day 21 I started with just half dose
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So bad from me and worse for the ladies , seems I did paid attention to the wrong advices, should have followed FreeBee's advice on first instance!
with nutes; less is more, within reason. no need to force feed it! :D
Red card for me -.- :redcard:

Well then, what it's done it's done, from now on I will just use plain water with a nice PH until you think they are ready the nutes, if you don't mind to keep with the advices for sure (I'd be more than glad to have 'em all :)

And for sure I will check and try thetreeman's advice of doing a makeshift greenhouse, yet I will show it here first, I don't wanna do any other mistake that could do any wrong to my lil ladies v_v'

Thanks again for correcting my noobie mistakes! x_x'
Hugs and buds!
I'm still alive!

And so they are:
ST1 06-18.jpg ST2 06-18.jpg ST3 06-18.jpg ST4 06-18 (2).jpg ST5 06-18.jpg

It seems they are enjoying your advices as much as I do (and will :smoking:)

I've been using plain water with adjusted ph as you advised me, and for sure I'm waiting for you to advice me whenever you think they might be ready for more nutes and maybe discuss the phase that I should consider to add the nutes she needs in that one.
Here's the distributor guidelines Canna guideline.jpg

Next time I will make some pics with macro mode so I can show you the first pistils they are showing (maybe you can appreciate 'em in the pics up from here)

Once more, Thanks buddies!
Nice to see you back, mate you really kicked you girl's butts :-D
I've started to nute my ladies are third week of grow lightly, just 1/4 strength with every watering. Then it's just waiting, I've come to full dose about two weeks later, but it's different for each flower... But I think 1/4 is strong enuff for now, next week try to rise it a bit, just watch your leaves, tips of the leaves must be straight, and same colour as the rest.
BTW your soil looks really wet, try to back on water mate.