[noob help] Small holes in new leaves

Apr 23, 2013
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Full grow log here: https://www.autoflower.org/f52/autofrisian-dew-green-poison-auto-grow-[uk-outdoor]-20094.html

General info: Sweet Seeds Green Poison Auto, Outdoor, Soil

So my GP has quite a few small holes starting on the upper new leaves. The problem is probably obvious, but its my first grow and none of the leaf charts seemed to show anything similar to mine :/

I'm fairly sure its not pests as I can't see any on the plant, and some of the lower leaves are just starting to get the holes by fading yellow

Any help appreciated :peace:
looks like somethings been munching on them :/ keep an eye out and look on the underside of the leaves it might be mites kind of hard to spot as they sometimes just look like a spec of dirt on the leaf.
What Cloud said. I would bet you got bugs. And yes they can be very small.

Hey Dank! I'm sure we can eliminate any nute' issues; while many bugs will munch on leaves, none will be so small you can't see them and still leave holes that large, in fact, few chew out holes away from the edges (earwigs, grasshoppers, rarely caterpillars); notice that there are chlorotic (weak to no pigment) spots with no holes , and some with,... this looks like physical damage, likely happened earlier... a similar thing happened to some of my outdoor girls too, when I gave an Fe spray on a foggy day, but the fog cleared suddenly before the leaves could fully dry; what happens is the little droplet of water (or worse, some foliar soln.) acts as a lens, and can burn or damage the tissue under it, often a very small point; damage may not be obvious at first; if it happens on a newer, still growing leaf, the dead tissue doesn't expand and grow with the rest, causing holes to form as the tissue grows away from the perimeter surrounding the burnt area... another possibility, it may have simply caught some overspray of something the plant really doesn't like, resulting in the same thing I just described... Soooo, go on a serious top and bottom bug hunt; keep in mind bigger bugs are highly mobile and may not be around the scene of the crime at that time, usually hiding during the day (earwigs in particular), so look under pot, in crevasses, etc... try and recall if something got sprayed nearby, not necessarily on the plant itself (pesticides, lube, etc.), or if the plant got wet on a sunny day... it may look ugly, bro, but the plant will be fine...
Well when I read the responces I went to quickly check there was nothing eating the plant. I couldn't see anything, but I figured it must be some sort of insect. Most problems fix themselves, so I waited until today, and it didn't really change.

With literally no ideas on what to do, I resorted to what I had previously done, made a strong coffee spray and coated the tops and bottoms of the leaves. Still waiting on results :)

Special thanks to waira, couldn't have asked for more info :D
Dank, I believe I know what that is. The reason being, it happened to mine on the last grow and stumped the hell out of everyone I asked until I actually caught it happening. Look at this picture.


What I found out was, after a heavy feeding and with high humidity my leaves would transpire(sweat some of the feed out). This nutrient laden water would sit on the leaves and burn holes through them that looked exactly like pests. I would check the plants hundreds of times a day trying to recreate it, then I finally caught the girls doing it one day and snapped a photo, went back the following day and there were holes in the leaves exactly where the water was sitting on them the day before.

Not much that I can recommend since you are outdoors and have no control over humidity and wind. I would up buying a big dehumidifier and pumped crap loads of air through my tent and it stopped the problem.

hey all...it looks a lot like the damage on my cream caramel...pretty sure it's bug damage (at least in my case). Looks very similar. It starts as damage from the underside. I too can't find the critter but a simple spray has either stopped it slowed it significantly. I know there are a lot better remedies but I have just been using a drop of dishsoap in a quart spray bottle. Never tried the coffee before...i'd be interested in hearing how that works. Either way...like others have said....looks like it;s nothing to get too worried about. Best of luck!:peace:

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Same problem here in one of my seedlings I’m on day 5 from germination
I’m a noob an have started a closet grow with six shooter auto and a Phoenix big bud auto both in the same 30l pot. I’m using organic eco life supercharged potting soil so no need for nutes so I know I’m not getting nute burn as it’s organic worm castings etc. But the two actual leaves on the Phoenix have tiny yellowing an a tiny pin hole in the centre of the leaf. Yet the six shooter is doing fine nice colour no sign of yellowing. I am running a 1000w led in the veg mode 16 inches away as the light is a cheap £70 one off Amazon so I’m pretty sure it’s not really 1000w. I am spraying the soil around the two babies on a daily basis when the soil looks a bit dry so I don’t think I’m over watering any help guys would be greatly appreciated. I will try an upload some pics.
the humidity is sitting between 70/75 the temp is 20
I water only when the top of the soil is dry to touch then spray it with a mister until it’s damp.
I havnt seen any pests-but
hopefully you guys can tell me what I’m doing wrong or if it’s normal. Thanks
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Full grow log here: https://www.autoflower.org/f52/autofrisian-dew-green-poison-auto-grow-[uk-outdoor]-20094.html

General info: Sweet Seeds Green Poison Auto, Outdoor, Soil

So my GP has quite a few small holes starting on the upper new leaves. The problem is probably obvious, but its my first grow and none of the leaf charts seemed to show anything similar to mine :/

I'm fairly sure its not pests as I can't see any on the plant, and some of the lower leaves are just starting to get the holes by fading yellow

Any help appreciated :peace:
I am having the same issue no bugs on leaves anywhere I have a microscope and can't find shit...here's a pic...