Live Stoner Chat Nominate your Favorite Auto for my Poll.

I got another vote thing to try and get straight I got an auto lemon haze and now an auto ultra lemon haze. Anyone want to guess if they are the same or do both strains exist sperately?

Killijin thanks for the nominations and +rep they are recorded.
I didn't do the Saturday recap as we are getting really close to the end of nominations. If your nominations are not in by the end of June 1st then they won't be accepted so if you want to get then on the list do it soon. You will see the top ten placements at the end of the nominations.
Hey thanks, and I do not know for certain if they are same strain or different. Are they two different breeders? If lemon and ultra lemon are both from different breeders, I would guess they would be somewhat different. We would need to take a look at their info cards on the sellers websites or something.
Thanks for answering. I am going to list them seperatly just too much work to do the investigations. Good luck to you with your grows. Come back and vote if you get a chance. Voting starts June 2nd and lasts two weeks.

Hey thanks, and I do not know for certain if they are same strain or different. Are they two different breeders? If lemon and ultra lemon are both from different breeders, I would guess they would be somewhat different. We would need to take a look at their info cards on the sellers websites or something.
auto BLueberry
easy rider (loved the smell taste the most...wasn't as strong as bb)
Purple JEMS

the first two are all ive grown and i have 12 jems germing right now.
Thanks for giving us your nominations. + rep given to you man. Best of luck growing this year and daon't forget to come back and vote. June 2 or later. Justy a couple days left for nominations they close midnight June 1 and no extentions.

auto BLueberry
easy rider (loved the smell taste the most...wasn't as strong as bb)
Purple JEMS

the first two are all ive grown and i have 12 jems germing right now.
pakistan ryder
I just finished breeding her to a afgan ryder auto, can;t wait to see the offspring
Were you nominating them both or just the one Pakistan Ryder. You are allowed 3 nominations. Clear it up for me before I record it and give you your + rep. Thanks Man

pakistan ryder
I just finished breeding her to a afgan ryder auto, can;t wait to see the offspring