Mrnicesmoke said his did great outside except for some that were stunted from ph issues.Isn't this a problem? Le672 in a strait runoff showed that compitation against ANY other type of mj, the autos do poorly, or die.If he had planted rudiralis in this mix , how would it have fared?It would have thrived with little or no care. I am running a compitation with autos and photos right now. Everything is the same and now at day 34 more than half the autos are stunted due to a heat and ph problem,only a problem to them as the photos in with them are fine, and the ones thriving are still a pale shadow of the photos. I planted these Sept. 4 so the falling number of daylight hours would bypass the rapid growth stage of the photos making them flower like autos.This they are doing,making flowers on the tips of the limbs, yet they are in rapid growth outrunning the autos. You can see this in my thread "photo verses auto".They take a heavy dose of nitrigen,ha
View attachment 129524ve a burst of growth and a day later are pale colored in the newest leaves, telling me to give them more.The autos have the same buds but even the ones going
View attachment 129523 great,for autos, act like they are in slow motion. To get 8 oz. yeilds from an auto this is where they need work, in my opinion.The first pic is the autos and the next the photos.See for yourself how they do side by side. If I had a hemp bed, how do you think it would compare? We all have ideas of what would happen but must do side by side comparisons for the facts.In the hardyness issue the autos are the least hardy of ALL breeds of mj. Does this have to remain so or can it be fixed?