Indoor NL Auto-1-plant-grow transition to AutoCob and MegaCrop.

Sep 3, 2018
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Well, I'm a new grower, this is my first grow. I started with FF nutrient trio and a 300W (140 real watt) Mars Hydro full spectrum light.
I'm growing CKS Northern Lights Auto in a 6 gallon Octopot (which is a system where there is a grow sleeve light autopot I guess and the water is in a base that you keep filled, the plant drives roots down to meet the water and uses the water/nutes as it sees fit. You just keep the base filled and it does the rest. It's sort of a cross between Hyro and soil)

I am on day 24 of the grow now and have decided to change to an AutoCob light and Mega Crop nutes. (after seeing the insane grows here on AFN)

My plant is a bit small for it's age which is what started my dissatisfaction and decision to change.

I won't add all of the progress pictures and status updates; they are over on another forum, but I will add the latest picture as a starting point.

Status as of Today:

71% humidity (leak in basement and the storms so it's a bit high)

Temp: 75 deg F

PH 6.65

Soil 1part FFOF, 1part Pro-Mix HP+, 1part Perlite

Germinated in paper towel and grown in this pot her entire life.

Using on 6" fan to circulate air, and a 6" dia cooling fan with carbon filter for air exchange.

The Mega Crop comes tomorrow and I expect the AutoCob light to come this week so HERE WE GO!

If you can, you could run both. I run a combination and it works a treat.
Well, I'm a new grower, this is my first grow. I started with FF nutrient trio and a 300W (140 real watt) Mars Hydro full spectrum light.
I'm growing CKS Northern Lights Auto in a 6 gallon Octopot (which is a system where there is a grow sleeve light autopot I guess and the water is in a base that you keep filled, the plant drives roots down to meet the water and uses the water/nutes as it sees fit. You just keep the base filled and it does the rest. It's sort of a cross between Hyro and soil)

I am on day 24 of the grow now and have decided to change to an AutoCob light and Mega Crop nutes. (after seeing the insane grows here on AFN)

My plant is a bit small for it's age which is what started my dissatisfaction and decision to change.

I won't add all of the progress pictures and status updates; they are over on another forum, but I will add the latest picture as a starting point.

Status as of Today:

71% humidity (leak in basement and the storms so it's a bit high)

Temp: 75 deg F

PH 6.65

Soil 1part FFOF, 1part Pro-Mix HP+, 1part Perlite

Germinated in paper towel and grown in this pot her entire life.

Using on 6" fan to circulate air, and a 6" dia cooling fan with carbon filter for air exchange.

The Mega Crop comes tomorrow and I expect the AutoCob light to come this week so HERE WE GO!

View attachment 951085

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I just purchased a larger tent. I want to start another plant while this one is finishing and couldnt see any other way, and now that i have two lights, it made more sense than to get a second tent with its own fan system.
This one is 20” deep x 36” wide x 60” tall. Octopot bases are 18” wide so that should do the trick. My current tent is 27” x 27” x 60” and only holds one Octopot with 4” of wasted space all around.
I just purchased a larger tent. I want to start another plant while this one is finishing and couldnt see any other way, and now that i have two lights, it made more sense than to get a second tent with its own fan system.
This one is 20” deep x 36” wide x 60” tall. Octopot bases are 18” wide so that should do the trick. My current tent is 27” x 27” x 60” and only holds one Octopot with 4” of wasted space all around.
My space is about the same as yours, just a bit shorter, and I sit 3 bondaged girls in there.

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My space is about the same as yours, just a bit shorter, and I sit 3 bondaged girls in there.

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It's the octopot base that's the issue. The grow sleeves are probably about (9" in diameter) but the bases are 18" wide x 18" deep x 6" tall.

I really like the octopots so I'd like to stick with them if I could, it eliminates one variable; the watering method. Supposedly also it makes for bigger stronger roots too.
The plant has been transferred from the basement to an unused bedroom into the double width tent, the carbon filter/fan is in place as is the rotating circulating fan. I installed the new AutoCob light also.

I had to drain the Octopot reservoir because it holds 6 gallons and I couldn't lift it so I drained it and re-filled in the new location and added 1/2 dose of MegaCrop nutes. They say at the "seedling/small plant stage" it should be 12 gms total (2 gms per gallon) and so I put half that to start. (1 gm per gallon totalling 6gms)

As soon as the second seed cracks, I'll put that plant right next to it.
I'm wondering if I need an additional AutoCob for the second plant. Your thoughts?

Light distance: 26"
Humidity: 63%
Temp: 72 deg F
PH: 6.6

Here is the plant as of today: 29 days from sprout.

looking like a great start. happy healthy of luck and happy growing ;)
Thank you sir!

Can i ask...I'm planning on one more plant in this tent; 36" wide x 20" deep x 60" tall. Should I get another Autocob or is one good enough for two plants?
You probably want two.
Thank you sir!

Can i ask...I'm planning on one more plant in this tent; 36" wide x 20" deep x 60" tall. Should I get another Autocob or is one good enough for two plants?

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