Photography Nirvana Sky (Super Auto) Photos

  • Thread starter Thread starter mr.mcgregor
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Bahhh, damn f'n mold.. The plight of cannabis. At least you can see it there, when it rots the middle of the buds out but leaves the outter parts looking prime.. Is the worst.. "YEAH buds... Ohhh no mold.. just as fast."

I bet a few years of outdoor selection you'd get a nice mold resistant line of it. Gotta assume it isn't as humid where it was bred.
Yea thats the mold! I call it "the inside job" lol. Humidity in the greenhouse was like a tropic rain forest at times, If im still here this summer im definetly going to invest in a greenhouse extractor fan & if possible a dehumidifyer depending on what I can afford. even if I hadnt been away for a few weeks I still wouldnt of noticed it untill it was to late,I had someone come over and spend the day watering about a week before I got back, I know if he had noticed it he would have done/said something. I lost about 90% of my annapurna aswell, the little bits I did manage to save was REALLY nice, imo it tasted like a white (like white widow or white shark...) Il do another thread with some photos of her, hopefully someone else will have grown it and have some BIG FAT bud shots. she had sooooooooooooooooooo many bud sites, all her branches grew to the same hight, apart from the top cola which rose about 1.5ft higher. if I had cut the top off her she would have looked like she was grown in a scog her canopy was so even :D
I bet a few years of outdoor selection you'd get a nice mold resistant line of it. Gotta assume it isn't as humid where it was bred.

its only avalible in fem beans so it wouldnt be possible, i crossed a bad betty with it so hope to see some big purples
Is the high more of an "up" type? I love stimulant type highs.
Those are real beauts mc... sorry to hear the mold got ya.. i had a couple oz's I lost to mold cuz I forgot to burp the bag for a dy... so dissapointing isn't it?

it was definetly a up high, not rushy just very nice.

I made qwiso with all the moldy plants, i spent about £100 on iso! but it was more than worth it. mmmmmmmmm qwisio
Lovely. Those are on my list for outdoors this summer. What sized pots did you use? Also, how long did they take to finish?

I'm doing my first grow of some experimental super auto seeds right now. They are at 11 weeks and huge. Quickly outgrowing my little indoor grow area.